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Five years ago, Carl 'CJ' Johnson escaped the haze of Los Santos, San Andreas ... a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs, and corruption. Now, it's the early '90s. CJ’s got to go home — his mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart, and his childhood...
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GTA San Andreas on Android is another port of the legendary franchise on mobile platforms. This part in the series is somewhat revolutionary. The main
《GTA: San Andreas – NETFLIX》作为一款动作手游,相较于2004年的原版而言,进行了全方位的升级,具体体现在更远的射击距离等。在操控与瞄准方面,并未延续之前的细节,反而使用了《侠盗猎车手5》设计风格,为玩家提供了更舒适的操作体验。同时在其他设置方面也有所改进,但目前尚未出现更多细节。