【分享】GTA SA..显示效果为画面宽屏,界面的2D UI元素保持正常比例不被拉扁,对比效果见图,上面是普通宽屏补丁效果,下图是UI正常显示的宽屏补丁效果。补丁和ISO都放在度盘了,需要可以下载。注意一定要用1.03版的i
百分网更新了 《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯作弊集成汉化版 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas》是R星出品的经典动作游戏,对游戏画面进行了强化,带来了更加真实的阴影效果、更远的视觉距离和更丰富的画面用色。操作方面,移动版不仅带来了全新的触控操 作方式,还将全面支持游戏手柄。触控按键在需要时才会出现,驾驶交通工具时也...
These "versions" are just mods (total conversions) for GTA San Andreas or Vice City, they're not made by Rockstar! It's like saying (before GTA V came out on PC): "Oh, we don't need GTA V on PC, we already have the map mod for GTA IV and GTA San Andreas!". Anyway, I ...
http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3710803/PC_GTA.SanAndreas_-(rip)-(ToeD) 以下是作者的说明 get em or miss e 分享75赞 gta安卓吧 鞋厂保卫队 3D MAX 精简SA汽车模型教程3D Max精简车模教程,事先声明,教程方法为无基础无脑方法,有非常明显的缺点。经过精简的模型会出现贴图遗失的情况。方法都是自己研究,希望...
I didn´t even know about the save mod comunity untill now. I was aware of the possibility of modding the iso, I even played a thing called SA Ptmg Edition in Ps2 that basically is a San Andreas with a menu similar to Cleo. But never imagined that something like that was posibble...