若想凭一己之力复兴samp和gtasa。务必需要做好新人导航。才能吸引更多新鲜血液进来。 本教程参考单机整合教程, 「电脑版GTA:SA的整备」修改而来。感谢 圣安地列斯吧 @ 狼师傅 的艰苦付出。 15820 gta5mod吧 尼斯湖水怪🍒 求助,老哥们,这个晚上车灯很晃眼,我想恢复成原游戏那样的灯光,咋整呢? 分享41 gta5mod...
Structure: RadarBlipItem size: 0x28 (40 bytes) Pool start: 0xBA86F0Pool size: 175 items struct RadarBlip { +0 = Color ID of blip 0 = Red 1 = Green 2 = Blue 3 = White 4 = Yellow 5 = Purple 6 = Cyan 7 = Threat/Friendly (Default Red) 8 = Destination (Default Yellow) +4 ...
Base sectionsBoxesChristmas, New YearClothingFoodGarbageGrassHolding objectsLightMap markersMilitary equipmentModular islandModular island housePlantsSA-MPSA-MP 0.3.7 RC1SA-MP 0.3.7 RC2SA-MP 0.3.7 RC3SA-MP 0.3.7 RC4SA-MP lightsSA-MP particle effectsSA-MP road signsStoneThe stuntTubes and funnels...
Skin lance Vance (Blackie) for GTA San Andreas from the movie up in smoke from Vice city. Skin is made without glitches, just like in the movie. Was created from scratch in the armor, open the eyes of a character. Even works in SAMP and in single player. Fans of the film should en...
So, my monitor is 144hz but due some color issues I am running it on 120hz instead, but SAMP addon forces game to run on 144hz beacuse that is monitor highest refresh rate option. It would be cool if you can make the mod to rather match refresh rate that is set by windows (nvida...
本吧热帖: 1-SAMP服务器列表贴(您可以将您的服务器信息发布在这里) 2-samp吧吧主招募结果公示 3-[公告]关于撤销 头好疼好想睡觉 吧主管理权限的说明 4-samp自由城张子健现id永恩实力公开 5-samp自由城腱子肉27岁0.51存款妄想结婚 6-samp自由城的一个叫[铁球]初音的人,
Samp Gta-Sa出生日期: 1986 年1月 7 日 城市: 莫斯科 网站: http://vrn-game.ru/ 收起详细信息 联系方式 手机号码: 92042423423 家庭电话: 255255 Skype: green-bear.vrn 670 粉丝 1 条动态 8 照片 所有动态1 Samp的动态1 搜索 Gta-Sa Samp 15 5月 2018 · 已更新照片 23 23人...
预览 [原创] 圣安地列斯 SAMP 0.3c 0.3x 0.3z 0.3.7 0.3.8 ip联机介绍 435076378 2017-11-9 02:36 05863 435076378 2017-11-9 02:36 预览 [原创] 【资源】 《侠盗猎车:圣安地列斯》 简体汉化 整合纯净一键安装版 [win7,win10]可运行 【3.37G 】 7z高压 ...23456..25 ldn99nex 2017-10-...
载点: ftp://ftp.planet-multiplayer.de/sites/gta-action/sa_mods/2930_NewMoon_by_TheBorg.rar 分享16赞 samp吧 123额额4 新人导航:从美国1.0原版到SAMP简单整合客户端引子 写这个帖是因为当下samp的老玩家大部分已退游。若想凭一己之力复兴samp和gtasa。务必需要做好新人导航。才能吸引更多新鲜血液进来。