FLA 5.1 no longer has the telemetry elements as fastman92 is trying to find a better solution. We'd really recommend you make it option and opt-in only, make it visible so those who want to help can help, and those who don't care won't have their data harvested by an unknown... ...
5,039Likes 4.31 / 5 stars (675 votes) Description Comments (6105) Description This is a tool reminiscent of MTA:SA Map Editor days. You have a freecam to navigate around, and you can spawn objects (with preview!), move them around with your mouse or keys. Then you can save or load...
5 039Aiment 4.31 / 5 étoiles (675 votes) Description This is a tool reminiscent of MTA:SA Map Editor days. You have a freecam to navigate around, and you can spawn objects (with preview!), move them around with your mouse or keys. Then you can save or load your map in various for...