回答:使用Windows操作系统的人有时会遇到这样的错误信息: 「“0X????????”指令引用的“0x00000000”内存,该内存不能为“read”或“written”」,然后应用程序被关闭。 如果去请教一些「高手」,得到的回答往往是「Windows就是这样不稳定」之类的义愤和不屑。其实,这个错误并不一定是Windows不稳定造成的...
11Multi Theft Auto40Freeware MTA:SA DeathMatch is THE mod for your GTA: San Andreas. Real Cars For GTA-SA 1.5.4 Download 18Madox98Freeware A GTA: San Andreas addon that makes a total replacement of all vehicles. GTA Resource Explorer 1.1 ...
11Multi Theft Auto40Freeware MTA:SA DeathMatch is THE mod for your GTA: San Andreas. Real Cars For GTA-SA 1.5.4 Download 18Madox98Freeware A GTA: San Andreas addon that makes a total replacement of all vehicles. MTA:SA 1.5.6 Download ...
macOS builds a .dmg and .app file deb builds a .deb file rpm builds a .rpm file windows builds a .exe About GUI tool to edit GTA San Andreas savegames. paulinternet.nl/?page=sa Topics java editor windows macos linux mac debian gta gta-sa savegame proton wine sanandreas...
Plus GTA3, GTA SA (I fondly remember SAMP) etc Aug. 13, 2021 Aremkey Yes, GTA (+ London) and GTA2. Classics Jul. 12, 2021 Alabamatick I have gta sa on dvd but doesn't work on win 10, i have vc on very noisey cd >_< and i had gta 3 on gfwl marketplace until ms...
之前看到的一个方法:Fix GTA San Andreas Cannot find 800x600x32 video mode - DroidWin,尝试了但...
2021-11-11(PS5) 2021-11-11(Switch) 系统 Windows 10 CPU Intel core i5-6600K 内存 8 GB 硬盘 45 GB 显卡 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760 系统 Windows 10 CPU Intel core i7-2700K 内存 16 GB 硬盘 45 GB 显卡 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970 媒体点评 5.9/10游民星空 5.0/10IGN 玩家点评+更多(265) 5.4 ...
咳咳,我就问问,有多..老司机maki镇楼 --来自助手版贴吧广铁集团专用客户端以抢钱为宗旨,待钞票如亲人ding --Niconiconi☆~请各位不要忘记SA,VC,3啊,这可是3D化GTA的经典作品啊 --Niconiconi☆~
GTA: SA (also widely known as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) is very famous and highly successful action, third-person shooter, driving, and RPG game by Rockstar Games and Rockstar North. It is a 7th gaming title in the series of Grand Theft Auto. Contact Details & Social Media of Ro...
GTA SA:MP 联机服务器架设全教程(XP系统)首先你得确定你的操作系统的版本,不同的操作系统所要求的服务端是不同的,服务端下载地址来自http://www.sa-mp.com/download.cml)SA:MP 0.1B Windows 服务器 http://eu.littlewhitey.com/samp01b-server.zip 下载完以后,解压缩到你的GTA:SA的游戏目录...