This mod allows you to increase the traffic of gta5. If your game crashes, reduce the density in graphical settings Tell me if your game crashes. If there are several of you, I will correct that. HOW TO INSTALL THIS MOD : Install dependencies : ...
用了天空盒路上有人无..己找到原因,[DistMult]#Dist multiplier for value defined in this config,#this is the fastest way to change
I forget to mention before, but you want to set the SA mobile edit mode in the lower right corner of the screen. (I'm worried that you used the IGNORE UNKNOWN option). The SA mobile edit mode should have all the information it needs to convert numbers to model ID - it doesn't nee...
Well well, this mod gives you 85 (75 in older versions) Rampage side-missions to complete all around San Andreas. They're put in pretty predictable places so I guess you'll be able to find them easily. For completing all of them you'll be greatly rewarded with weapons and vehicles. Li...
reduced size doesn't help - i have tried changing one (only one!) model with an even smaller in size one, and the 'taxi bug' occurs.. for me TCS works kinda fine, when traffic density is set at 1 alex.sparco Members Joined: 05/11/2011 ...
($BIKE5, 40.0)00AE: set_car $BIKE5 traffic_behaviour_to 2 $BIKE6 = Car.Create(#FREEWAY, 1194.361, 1427.142, 7.487)Car.Angle($BIKE6) = 184.7214Car.SetMaxSpeed($BIKE6, 40.0)00AE: set_car $BIKE6 traffic_behaviour_to 2 $BIKE7 = Car.Create(#FREEWAY, 1194.927, 1420.098, 7.3759)Car...
Well, it's really strange, OP. You, the modder, haven't EVER noticed any traffic jams in GTA SA? Then there is, More San Andreasv5.0.1 So, what does it indicate? Consoles limitations being the reason that we don't see traffic jams more often in my opinion. How about you read th...
thoses codes are meant to mod the gang territories all around SA . this tutorial will be divided by steps to follow for proper way to activate those codes. they are meant to be activated and saved one by one ... however ever single step is optional , its up to you . TESTED on NTSC...
I directed my frustration towards scrounging up enough pieces to get my PS2, SA and AR-Max working again. I ran my own Hunter and Negative tests and got exactly the results I was hoping for. I'm fairly confident that the current PS2 map is correct and I just need to copy the new fo...
SA CheatsNTSCv1NTSCv2PAL AR Max ID 069C 08B0 06A3 Lose Stuff Joker .. Joker L1+Up Lose if Wasted Lose if Busted Joker L1+Down Disable Disable E002FBEF 00700942 00666C98 00000001 00666C9C 00000001 E002FBBF 00700942 00666C98 00000000 00666C9C 00000000 E002FBEF 007014C2 00667418 00000001 00...