虽然视频不够清晰,但是我相信RP的气氛还是感觉的出来的 6楼2014-06-02 10:00 收起回复 LCPD反恐局长 我勒个去 8 ==SA-MP RUSSIA ROLEPLAY==语言:RUSSIAN类型:ROLE PLAY网站:http://samp-rp.ru/这也许是世界上唯一一个人数破900的服务器吧。。。===如果你喜欢俄罗斯风情,来这里吧。唯一不好的是 这是...
PSN: barh777 Role Play experience: On sa-mp roleplay servers, few years ago. LS-RP, PR-RP. In Character (IC) Name: Adam Pilles Age:25 Job/Career/Money Source: Warehouse shop. Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Was Tank commander in the Israel De...
问一下有人用开源掌机rp3.5折腾过sa吗 只看楼主收藏回复 骑着李白去单挑 T-BONE 2 这个机能t610能用那个mod啊,相当于骁龙660的机能 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-08-19 09:40回复 骑着李白去单挑 T-BONE 2 或者有群吗 来自Android客户端2楼2023-08-19 09:42 回复 ...
Sodapoppin Playthroughs: GTA V RP (Grand Theft Auto V Roleplay) (TV Series 2019– ) - Parents guide and Certifications from around the world.
4. After the install, there should be a sa-mp executable. Run that. You will be presented with window. Click the Add Server button. Copy and paste this into the field: The SZR:GTA RP server should appear on your server list. ...
适用于GTA SA:MP的lua脚本侠盗猎车手SA:MP 亚利桑那RP的“ MyCar” | 由darksooR [RU]Удобноеменю/ cars,быстраявыгрузкаизагрузкатранспортныхсредств。Прочиефункции。 [ZH]便捷的/ cars菜单,快速加载和卸载车辆。
举个例子,法拉利F355前面(后(qián)备箱)起火导致爆炸←_←综上,用这种层面的分析来看,电脑版和手机版的区别一清二楚而且不仅是想象的那么简单,事实上手机端的SA还有一些等待我们探索的空间 这也是我发这个帖子的原因之一 来自Android客户端6楼2016-05-08 13:50 收起回复 ...
第一,在https://www.open.mp/servers 添加你的服务器IP 等待更新大概在5-10分钟 第二,在配置文件修改语言,不建议打中文,输入中文英语Chinese,重启服务器。稍等片刻就会显示在有中文语言的服务器了 这第一个是我的服务器 GTA:M 11-18 5 快来和你的好友一起刷boss ryou 晓梦吖 11-8 17 【Search...
Players can create two characters (three other character slots were visible on 7th generation consoles but were locked and could not be used) if they so choose, and any money stored in a bank account will be shared across all characters (although money in the character's pocket and RP do ...
WavyGravi 3 Kevin Gomez | Prodigy Rp | GtaRp | Fivem | TessQuinn 5 Tess Quinn new group incoming | Prodigy 2.0 WL | !discord !accent itzAriezz 1 Ariez "DUB" Dubois | ProdigyRP 2.0| itsdestinn 4 24H Stream! || Nathan || Prodigy RP WL || !Discord its_a_bizkit 10 Moco | SSK...