Check handling and car colors make sure OR the vehicle may not working good check the cleo folder check the paintjob folder dont forget to copy vehicle.txd to your game copy vehicle to modloader by FOR-H Gangsta13 check the video
FBI 装甲车:这车原本和SA中最后一个任务杀斯莫克任务里的特警装甲车一样,联邦调查局也有自己的装甲车,用了跟特警装甲车同款蓝色涂装车身上有“SAPD”和“Police”的字样(怎么看都不像联邦调查局的车),这车原本在测试版任务“特鲁斯的真相”中出现,做为FBI的拦截车辆原本车顶上有机枪,但到后面被移除,跟军用快艇...
All Stallions in GTA V spawn with a license plate reading "SA Exempt" by default, which is usually dedicated to law enforcement/emergency vehicles (unless the car is modified). This is caused by a lack of plate type variation data in the carvariations.meta file, causing the game to resort...
原作者:Havi 翻译:小莫 原地址: GTA3: VC: SA:
If the vehicle has been added: cargrp.dat However, handling.cfg has 2 flags in binary, and to edit them you need GTA-SA Ultimate Editor: Of course you need to know perfectly how the GTAsa vehicles are...
GTA SA 无OM0 无警局黄点收集只是生意隐藏车 Boy Friend 前提提要:该方法仅适用于PS2 PS4 PC Steam版本 可能适用于Xbox版 该方法完美解决了尝试获取只是生意任务中部分隐藏载具需要警局黄点和OM0的问题。 我们以FI/NE BF400,FI Packer,FI Sultan获取方法为例。 现在请提前准备好以下准备 1.旧金山修车厂车库...
The Police Transporter also has Dark Smoke window tint applied as default.[2] As its name implies, the van is intended for transporting police officers to where it is required. However, the vehicle is only seen in roadblocks and rarely pursues the player. ...
SUPER-MODDABLE SELL BUY DEALER NOTES Modifications Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Blista Compact can only be modified in a TransFender garage. Type Upgrade Cost Image Color Car Color 1 (64 different colors) $150 Car Color 2 (64 different color...
Free download mod Pony SA Police Style for GTA San Andreas by clicking the links below. The modification has the unattended installation. Authoralex59 BrandGTA SA ModelPony Car typeTruck Type of truckBox truck Drive typeRear wheels (RWD) ...
该攻略主要包括SA支线以及非任务状态下的一些隐藏车。 严格而言并不全,因为我特意省略了一些在固定刷新点生成的隐藏车:斯威特 梨梨Sunnie 11-30 13 【GTA4】隐藏车:Unique Police Stockade(任务成功法) 柯恋哀 此车存在于两个任务,PM3任务“Three Leaf Clover”和DM3任务“Tunnel of Death”。前者想要...