Tag "gta sa ps2 mods" Reset Date Trending | Tag GTA San Andreas Stories mod ported to PS2 Feb 22 2024 News Mod has been ported to PS2. You can play it via. PCSX2 now! Check it out.Tag Statistics Tags 1 Browse Popular Browse Latest Trending Tags 13 mentions #single-player...
Download your version of choice and unpack the textures folder to your PCSX2 folder. This requires one of the nightly builds so that you can replace textures. Once extracted there, fire up PCSX2, open your graphics settings, go to the advanced tab and turn on "Load Textures" I personally ...
I think the only way to get rid of the patch is to do an un-install/re-install. If you want to keep the mods, back them up before the un-install. If you have a V.2, you can get a V.1 off of sites like e-bay, which sale used merchandise. Hope this helps. coscraft134 Mem...
It's commonly described as the v1 PS2 version. It has a higher required score in OG Loc's dancing mission, a glitched Pay n' Spray in Las Venturas and a glitch in Supply 分享356 圣安地列斯吧 OMO王不留行 GTA SA Savegame Editor 3.1.2个人汉化版(进行中)最近闲来无事,玩玩SA,想用存档...
14312 gta自由之城吧 LZY1706 论pcsx2的正确设置@wait盐 在设置里的图像部分 亲测可达120fps 分享69赞 gta自由之城吧 Michael7 Xbox360到手,玩GTA3时发现图像和PC版不同左边是PC,右边是Xbox 分享8赞 ps2吧 准备打PS2游戏一网打尽了 快来看看 有啥冷门游戏还值得买的PES2010正式版! 真正的实况足球2010 侏...
Can you run an SA Cleo script on PC? Do you use the PCSX2 emulator? On 6/3/2020 at 7:25 AM, FF_Sefirot said: I didn´t even know about the save mod comunity untill now. Community? Where? I thought it was just me doing the old man on the mountain thing. ...