GTA:SA MOD安装器是该游戏的特别版本,在GTA:SA MOD安装器游戏中,玩家可以享受到全新的模组操作,该版本自带奥特曼模组,根据剧情选择自己喜欢的人物进行一系列的任务冒险,快下载GTA:SA MOD安装器试试吧! GTA:SA MOD安装器本说明: 奥特曼模组+作弊菜单,内含技能,奥特曼武器,皮肤处可以选择奥特曼人物 (屏幕中间下滑,部...
Then I got the no cd crack for gta sa 1 US. It can load, but after its loads to the full, it goes blank like always, and then it closes and gives me the error report. what should I do (other then reinstallign it, cuz my dvd drive broke. ...
我可以教你更简单的方法:把hlm-gtasa.iso解压到一个文件夹(如果你的图标已变,在那图标上按右键——打开方式——选压缩包就OK了)setup.exe打开。 安装完成复制Crack目录下的GTA_SA文件到游戏目录 。 运行gta_sa开始游戏。汉化方法:将解压后的gtasa_cn.exe以及gtasa_cn.3dm两个文件复制到你电...
Lets hope we can crack those new IMG file formats. This game from what Ash said uses the old file formats and new file formats for the IMG files. So there might be a shot at getting the game to read custom maps and vehicles.
使用最新版虚拟光驱载入镜像,安装游戏 安装完成复制Crack目录下的GTA_SA文件到游戏目录 运行gta_sa开始游...
I'm moving this conversation from PM to the open forums. I still need to clean up the posts and add clarification. Introduction to SA Chain Game Style Save Editing Requirements: Ability to apply basic algebra to story problems. Recommended: Some experien
sure not to visit the abandoned warehouses to the north which are being converted to crack dens and heroine houses. FAIRVIEW Fairview is an amazing place to spend a day, as it is much the same as Fredricksville, but with less crime. the long term rivalry between Fairview ...
no menu comes up. after pressing backspace my game again comes to normal screen and a dialogue sco script mgr disabled pops up everytime i do this. i use crack version of gta 4 v and now i am requesting you to reply fast and what can i do to fix this issue ...