侠盗猎车手系列 LSPDFR Computer+ Deutsche Übersetzung Mod 2018-09-11 17:20:59 侠盗猎车手系列 LSPD Sadler Police Ramp Truck Mod 2018-09-15 14:46:03 侠盗猎车手系列 LSPD Sadler Police Ramp Truck拖车 Mod 2018-09-07 14:00:25 侠盗猎车手系列 警察制服车辆 Mod ...
Police 紧急 Pack 5.0 4,20330 [ELS] citroenC4 [pack españa] 1.1 ByGTAES_es Volkswagen 紧急 Police 5.0 3,77010 Volkswagen Polo Mk5 Politia Romana / Romanian Police 1.1 ByAlexQ Police Engine Sounds 4.75 3,6179 CVPI V8 Sound Mod (2006-2011 Engine) V1 by zzshadow1323 ...
This pack will be eventually expanded to include more retro-style lore-friendly vehicles in the near future.When something to make the HPV, Ranger, Enforcer, and other SA police vehicles come in, then you'll see this pack get more and more updated. ...
Added Ford emblem to police vehicles. Added Dodge emblem to police charger. Fixed Sheriff Logo on white cruiser. Changed the DIAL 911 to CALL 911 /fire/police/medical Removed POLICE from back bumper on the newer cruiser. Removed text from rear bumper on white sheriff cruiser. ...
Do you enjoy action-packed movie scenes where the police and military battle criminals, aliens, or even zombies? With this mod, you can bring those intense moments to life! Step into the role of a real Los Santos police officer. While you won't be chasing down those three notorious, chea...
Shift靠边停车 方向键控制,退格键返回,回车确定 POLICEMOD跟LSPDFR一样好玩 盗版玩家可以安装POLICEMOD,...
GTA V Canis Freecrawler (police) From After Hours DLC GTA V style imvehft version Features: - HQ exterior - High quality interior - HQ wheels - Door sills - Looks good with ENB - Correct fit player - Adaptation to IVF 2.0.2-2.1.1 ...
由【policemod吧】出品。专为破解版因为玩不成lspdfr的玩家免费提供了police mod。此mod让破解版玩家不用lspdfr mod也能照样当警察!我们将同样为玩家提供免费的技术帮助服务和内容下载。欢迎大家前来支持和下载。【policemod吧】http://点tiebabaiducom/f?kw=policemod下载内容和技术支持请加三吧联合QQ群群号码:...
文件夹里有Bank_001~Bank_137共137个文件夹,分别存储着不同音效,我们现在要改某辆车的引擎音效的话,就要先知道这辆车所用引擎的音效文件存放在哪个文件夹,所有车型对应引擎音效文件夹关系如下(对照表来自1090374517a:Gtasa---音效MOD替换表-对应车型):数字表示GENRL.osw文件下面的文件夹对应的Bank_xxx001 ::: zr...
GTA SA 日本警..作者:fordfocus33车型:Nissan 370Z 这款车是现有gtasamod日本警车中少见的led警灯,支持ELM或爆闪,美中不足的是前脸爆闪灯不是经典的点减式红色警灯。总体上还是不错的D