玩过sa的朋友们应该都知道 elegy是游戏中六大街头赛车之一。作为街头赛车,当然要具有灵活的操纵性和强劲的动力。该车的驱动方式为RWD(后轮驱动),更适合直线加速(Drag),然而RWD的缺陷就是容易打滑,该车也不适合在沙地中行驶,也不适合越野(Off-Road)(废话!) 来自Android客户端5楼2019-01-31 19:47 回复 ...
The car has a unique set of gauges, reminiscent of generic early-2000s replacement tuning gauges that were (and still are in some parts) popular in Europe. These same dials are also available as one of the mod options on the Primo Custom, where they are called "Plain Jane".See...
6 years ago, when I first started converting cars there were no competent converters and high quality conversions. Now in 2020 there is still only 2-3 converters who can provide vehicles that match the GTA:SA atmosphere, have no bugs and do not cause opcodes in SA-MP/MTA. Majority of t...
There was originally 2 different Elegys.[69] There was originally another Feltzer, most-likely a non-tuned version.[69] There was originally another Issi, most-likely a hardtop variant.[69] There was originally another Voodoo, most-likely a clean version.[69] There was originally another Scha...
在线看[GTA SA] Pack Elegy 2k15 | 600 SUBS | #swz.. 2分钟 22秒。10 12月 2015的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 638 — 已浏览。 17 — 已评价。