近日,欧美最大的论坛类网站Reddit的2021年度回顾已经出炉,根据其数据报告,欧美用户们似乎真的很喜欢2021年的《原神》、《英雄联盟》、《最终幻想14》、和《GTA》。 据报告,年度点击次数最多的社区板块是《原神》,其次是《英雄联盟》,然后是通用游戏中心大板块。排在第四位的是“RPclipsGTA”,这是一个致力于“在...
had an interesting conversation with a former editor of the RPClipsGTA subreddit about claims of unfair filtering and other problems in the community. This conversation has shown how one of the most popular subreddits for roleplaying in Grand Theft Auto V, especially from the NoPixel server, ...
排在第四位的是“RPclipsGTA”,这是一个致力于“在GTA进行角色扮演相关内容”的板块。再之后是《最终幻想14》,由于12月6.0资料片的发布其热度飙升。 2021年出现大幅增长的其他子版块还包括:与GTA角色扮演相关的“NoPixel”,一个专用于特定GTA角色扮演服务器的板块,其浏览量同比增长了267%。
nopixel 4.0 | @zetarkclips on yt 🔥 | !merch !vods grand theft auto v grand theft auto v grand theft auto v characters no characters dayrell souf cypress grand theft auto v characters no characters 🔥 big flick returns | officer raycardo flick | lspd | raymond romanov after | ...
NoPixel Whitelist zaxx386 51 Moose Knuckles | Judge | Clown | Stansfeld Belany | DOC | NoPixel WL | Epic Creator Code: ZAXX386 MargoTheSnail 143 Margo Escargot | The Crackheads | NoPixel WL Bondii 2 Episode 58 | NoPixel WL | Randys' Secret... | THE CRACKHEADS UnicornFrapp 32 Remi ...