[新闻]R星母公司T..看来目前R星母公司Take-Two正在叫停或阻止许多圣安地列斯和罪恶都市的Mod项目。今日早些时候,GTA Underground的开发者联系并告知我们,他们在ModDB页收到了T2的DMCA通知。
pHake, a GTA 5 mod menu, was in semi-active development from 2018 to 2023. modgtasfmlmenucheatgta5gtaonlinephake UpdatedJan 27, 2024 C++ Durty Cloth Tool easily generates addon cloth & tattoo resources for GTA 5 Singleplayer and MP mods like alt:V, FiveM or RageMP with just a couple ...
这意味着 Addon 类型的载具 Mod 将不能在线上玩,或者你可以通过手动提取模型然后修改名称,改成线上已...
If a player is reported by enough players or is discovered to be using identifiable cheats (such as a mod menu) by Rockstar's automated anti-cheat system, there is a chance that they may be banned from GTA Online. With each ban, the player's characters are completely reset back to ...
正版是可以玩mod的,前提是只能是离线模式使用mod,只要不去线上使用,R星就不会封号,不然被封号就不好了。 送TA礼物 1楼2022-04-18 13:02回复 逆-天改命 请问正版gta5可以用mod吗?听说正版装mod会被封号啊 2楼2022-06-07 22:16 收起回复 御终流 可以离线就好 3楼2022-06-07 22:16 收起回复...
【GTA online】超详细的人物mod安装教程 编辑于 2023年07月28日 22:06 成功了,谢谢大佬 [各位小伙伴添加人物多的就要安装上线补丁,不然会在加载时闪退的]
GTA ONLINE 极限竞速 地平线 车包 GTA MOD 这个up主是典型的牛X但不火的典范up主,其实可以去油管上也发一发,然后@一下R星官方, 说不定以后还能合作下,新出了什么新车时让你给拍点宣传片。不然这个才华被埋没了是真可惜。 2023-12-30 18:18 玻璃渣上的月光 ...
There are currently 3962 users and 34 members online. What is GTAinside.com? GTAinside is the ultimate Mod Database for GTA 5, GTA 4, San Andreas, Vice City & GTA 3. We're currently providing more than 80,000 modifications for the Grand Theft Auto series. We wish much fun on this ...
The mod, Single Player Apartment, has a pretty self-explanatory title (as per usual), coming to us and adds all of the properties players could purchase in GTA Online. Including Apartments from the High Life DLC and Executives and Other Criminals DLC. ...