Similar to the CEO model, but instead of selling to business partners you’re selling to other biker gangs and street gangs. Selling weed to one gang, but selling weed to another gang might cause a gang war to break out and cause tension there that could add depth to being a “biker g...
【MC 工作/挑战】 最后要说明的摩托帮工作和摩托帮挑战更是重量级,通过摩托帮菜单开启,连早期玩家都毫无印象的存在。同门的 CEO 工作/挑战,好歹有猎杀专员、观光客等早期的热门收入来源值得记住,但摩托帮这边则是彻彻底底死得不能再死,最关键的原因无非一条:所有任务全部需要多人开启,而且这远远不是修改一个人数...
Additionally, the Lost make enemies with the Madrazo Cartel and The Families, who also hire the Online Protagonist to disrupt their business. Eventually, after having sex with Ashley again, Trevor is confronted by Johnny. Trevor pretends to "console" him, but then kills him in a fit of ...
Tony McTony owns an entire fleet of Patriots as seen in pictures. The groom of the woman in Random Event Hitch Lift 4 owns a white Patriot.LocationsGrand Theft Auto IIIOne is parked at Supa Save!, Portland View, Portland (it starts the Patriot Playground side mission upon entry). One is...
Water Trivia If the player is a CEO or an Associate (as well as the leader or bodyguard in MC) after ordering their vehicles, they will never be returned unless if destroyed, even after the player leaves CEO/MC work. Some of the larger Pegasus vehicles may spawn in locations that are ...
Eris is a manufacturing company for athletic shoes and apparel featured in both the 3D Universe and HD Universe of the Grand Theft Auto series. The company is also featured in Rockstar North's Manhunt series. Some radio advertisements in Grand Theft Auto
商业(Business) - 成为一个商业大亨,运营非法生意,如贩毒、走私或车辆窃盗。夜总会与酒吧(Nightclubs & Bars) - 购买并经营自己的夜总会,吸引顾客,与敌对帮派对抗。体育与休闲活动 - 从高尔夫、网球到跳伞,体验各种体育和娱乐活动。公团与MC俱乐部(Organizations & MC Clubs) - 加入或创建一个...
shenanigans over the course of several hours. (2+ hours depending on operations value and your team) every once in awhile there will be a chance your operation is botched and you need to come to the rescue to unbotch it. (Essentially this businesses equivalent of crate/MC business raids....
摩托车俱乐部(MC Clubhouse):购买并运营摩托车俱乐部可以为玩家提供各种盈利机会,包括贩卖违禁品和执行俱乐部任务。组队合作可使任务变得更加轻松。地堡业务(Bunker Business):玩家可以购买并运营一个军事地堡,生产和销售武器。确保货物生产持续运转,并及时销售,以确保最大化利润。结论:GTA5线上模式...