The images that work best with this tool are the ones like Pato_Crown mentioned - simple and clean. Logo-style emblems have fewer details and colour changes which means that the total size is lower, and you can use a higher resolution. I personally find that 128 and 256 look fine (depen...
One of the first glimpses we get of a new game is the logo. Post a logo that you like or one that you created.
** Forcompatibility 7 with badges,logo,speedometers featuresYOU NEED: -Badges -Emblems -Logos -badges 2 -New brand Skin for speedometer **neccessary for good immersion/realism/ not required but really recommended Features -Real life namescars GTA Vcompatiblewith ...
Startup logo (rockstar_logos.bik) movie bypassed. Menu features such as vehicle previews/infobox are now adjusted if the menu position is on the right side of the screen. New scroll mechanism. Freecam speed improved. Clear Area submenu improved. Clear Area range increased to 60. ...
Surely this has already been uploaded as a svg. to a crew before the patch, with it being a logo of the company that makes the game amongst all the other corporate logos to be found on social club, has no one seen it? LUMTHEINVADER ...
~The Logos on "T-shirts", "Tank Tops",& "Sports Tops" interfere with chest tattoos on Female characters, as in the pics \/ BELOW \/. Reveal hidden contents -The "Female Chest Tattoo" Glitch is also affected by the "Small Crew Emblem" ...
●Declasse, Gang Burrito, A pre-modified version of the Burrito without The Lost MC logos. ●Savage, The helicopter is based on the Russian Mi-24 "Hind" attack helicopter. ●Principe Lectro, A sports bike, made by Principe and similar to the Nemesis in design but with a surprise KERS ...