网上传言G470的独显是鸡肋,垃圾,的确是入门级显卡 不过别人说AMD 6370连Intel HD 3000都不如,这里我就对此做了一个测试: 一: 显卡天梯:首先查看有科学性和说服力的显卡天梯图,可以看到AMD 6370/7370比Intel HD 3000要性能高一些 二:百度百科 参阅:http://baike.baidu.com/view/5094284.htm 从百度百科给出...
(Viper studio) 39 人观看 GTA IV - GTA III Rage Classic Beta (GTA 3 Converted to RAGE) Exclusive Gameplay HD 104 人观看·10年前·来自Potsik Opasny GTA Stuff 1.3千个粉丝 7 分享 (please note this project is just a few weeks old)another gta 3 rage conversion and i must say it looks...
首先查看有科学性和说服力的显卡天梯图,可以看到AMD 6370/7370比Intel HD 3000要性能高一些 二:百度百科 参阅:http://baike.baidu.com/view/5094284.htm 从百度百科给出的结果可以看出:Intel HD Graphics 3000<GT410m<6370m<GT520m<GT540m AMD 6370/7370性能也要优于Intel HD 30 分享1141 gta4吧 jhxq...
Vehicles created by Matt Hayes AKA unopescio 2007-2020 PM me on GTA Forums for feedback and help This pack contains HD versions of the following vehicles for GTAIV From GTA Vice City Deluxo Oceanic Hermes From GTAIII Ambulance Banshee Blista Cabbie Manan
Nếu các bạn đã biết thì Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition là phiên bản mở đầu cho vũ trụ HD của GTA. GTA IV dẫn người chơi đến với câu chuyện về Niko Bellic, một cựu chiến binh người Nam...
I want to ask you on Intel HD Graphics 520. My computer is: Intel® Core™ i7-6500U Processor (4M Cache, up to 3.10 GHz), Intel® HD Graphics 520 I just installed GTA IV but it is not working on bigger resolution.. It is so small and my graphics is overloaded... I don'...
My computer is: Intel® Core™ i7-6500U Processor (4M Cache, up to 3.10 GHz), Intel® HD Graphics 520 I just installed GTA IV but it is not working on bigger resolution.. It is so small and my graphics is overloaded... I don't know what i have to do... Thank you ...
Im not able to install openiv.asi but Asi Loader and other ones like LSPDFR, Rage/AdvanedPluginHook and etc. I asked at the RagePluginHook Support but there was also no one who was able to help me. I reinstalled the game 3 days ago due to some mistakes i did. Before 3 days i...
如果楼主想玩GTA4 建议你去买台式电脑 不要买笔记本的台式电脑 3000块就够了 而且市面上的游戏都可以玩的如果是笔记本就要贵的很多我给楼主看下 GTA IV的标准配置吧 由我们答疑讨论组团长制作)--by PCGTA cjdrift(D.KфEclipse) 非本团人员禁止转载 操作系统: Windows XP SP3(我个人推荐XP ...