但是,PC版却很容易被破解,在PC版GTA:SA上市之后仅仅一周,一个代号“Hot Coffee”的MOD就被发布到互联网上。根据美联社的报导,该MOD的作者是一名36岁的荷兰玩家,叫做Patrick Wildenborg,他是一个MOD团体的成员。 GTA:SA的主角,简称CJ的那个家伙,在游戏中可以与他的女朋友进行性行为,但是那些行为都是在关着的门...
就是在任何地点按F5就是那啥,SHIFT+G和ALT+G是掏出和收起小JJ 。。。
I would love if this mod could be acomplished. Circle San Andreas and Land Maybe you could request R* help? You are joking, right? Right? Modders + hidden sex minigame = Hot Coffee Hot Coffee + paranoid politicians = Angry R* Angry R* + modders = slap on the wrist bLo0dD Members ...
Hot CoffeebyPatrickW Transfender FixbyOffRoader23 Plugin Scripts (ASI, CLEO) This category is for CLEO & Alice scripts only, regardless of size.CLEOorAliceare required to run these mods.2047Passenger modbyDoomed_Space_Marine PimpingbyOGIamLoco ...
As a sign of support towards RockStar The Hot Coffee Mod is no longer available I've removed this download out of free will. PatrickW Just in case you really really need to see naked polygon people for some strange reason, and are upset that Patrick deleted this, go here or here (this...
In response to the PC mod surfacing and gaining wide notice, Rockstar Games issued a carefully worded statement in reference to the mod. “So far we have learned that the ‘Hot Coffee’ modification is the work of a determined group of hackers who have gone to significant trouble to alter...
在线等,我的是盗版不是R星买的 分享1赞 圣安地列斯吧 食人小蚂蚁 找不到hot_coffee(热咖啡)补丁的人却又想要请进.下载地址:http://miao20.ys(百度死妈)168.com/ 把(百度死妈)去掉就可以下了.回个贴啊,没人会说你很邪恶 ↓↓☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 分享6赞 圣安地列斯吧 X我不是烧饼 怎么卸载热...
直到这时R星和Take-Two才意识到事态的严重程度,他们搬出惯用的套路“违反了用户最终协议”,称“Hot Coffee”仅仅只是一个基于游戏衍生出来的Mod而已,将开发者的责任撇得一干二净。然而为时已晚,娱乐软件分级委员会(ESRB)将GTASA从较柔和的“Mature”评级划定为强硬的“Adults Only”。树倒猢狲散,各大游戏商店纷纷...
Best WIP Mod 2014 [Grand Theft Auto 3D] PostedFebruary 27, 2014 On 2/27/2014 at 2:43 PM, adrian_2012 said: Why there are hot coffee files (like the naked girlfriends)? It has been scripted in mobile? Also, the cellphone, jet pack and skateboard icons have been remodeled. ...