GTA 6, Switch 2, fin de la crise…: que faut-il attendre de 2025?Play Dans Multijoueurs, Melinda Davan-Soulas reçoit Cassim Montilla, journaliste chez Frandroid, et Menraw, cofondateur de De la puissance de Twitch pour créer les phénomène...
If you tap L1 and R1 on the PS3 (LB and RB on the Xbox 360) with missiles equipped then you'll switch between targets. Switch to Free-Aim to Stop Getting Killed If you find yourself getting killed a lot in GTA Online it's either because you're crap or otherwise in an auto-aim...
《神界:原罪2》终极版已登录PC、Mac、任天堂Switch、Playstation 4和Xbox One主机。其iPad版本的发售日期将于后续发布。 +6 分享3712 小米笔记本吧 衰锅闯天涯 要进大学了,比较了macbook、华为,想入手小米笔记本pro,我想问一下小米笔记本如果开AI、PS等软件会不会发烫,看到吧友有人说散热扇会很大声,我想求证...
提一下玩过的塞尔达的开放世界,首先确实很好玩,很多想法都可以在游戏实现,塞尔达优势在玩法很多,但对开放世界营造总感觉差了点,不能让人沉浸在这个世界里,可能是事件随机性不够,也可能是背景设定 分享11583 switch吧 山寨林峰 ns玩 巫师3 真的好玩,2年前就pc玩测巫师3了,但无奈玩不下去,电脑玩画面是很好,但...
If you tap L1 and R1 on the PS3 (LB and RB on the Xbox 360) with missiles equipped then you'll switch between targets. Switch to Free-Aim to Stop Getting Killed If you find yourself getting killed a lot in GTA Online it's either because you're crap or otherwise in an auto-aim...
The scenarios on offer, combined with the five different types of theming available in your parks, mean that there's enough variety to maintain your interest as you switch between scenarios, no matter whether it's for the first, second, or fifth time. And when you do get bored of career...
FEDL_WR Deleting data. Please do not remove the Memory Card (PS2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1, reset or switch off the console. Deleting saved game. Please wait... FESTDCM Distance travelled by car (m) Distance traveled by car (m)
付测试只要能忍受缩成狗的画质,switch上巫师3真没什么出奇的,CPU一代ryzen,3核@2.0ghz,除去内存分,跑分还不如675,显卡是750ti@344mhz 跟tegra X1 835 A10这种差不多,远弱于现在的旗舰机。 分享12563 ns吧 雾都孤儿 有芯片大神吗?谁来科普一下任天堂ns用的tegra x1芯片性能有限,如果要是用x2那么性能提升...
平时在家上网一般都是MacBook Pro外接LG ultrafine 4k,玩英雄联盟用Surface Pro7,健身换大冒险、动物森友会、塞尔达、马车8有switch,GTA5、荒野大镖客2、蜘蛛侠、巫师3 有ps4 Pro,真不知道iPad Pro 买来干嘛的。。。 分享10114 linux吧 CNmlzº Linux为什么不能玩大型游戏 分享4018 alienware吧 彭明吾...