The leaker further claimed that Grand Theft Auto 6 is currently targeting a Fall 2024 release, barring any internal delays, and that pre-orders for the game will go live after it trailer airs later this week. Previous leaks have claimed that the game will release sometime in 2025. While it...
Following a spate of leaks and data breaches, the launch date forGrand Theft Auto 6is still very much up in the air. In September,almost 100GB of contentwas leaked to social media platforms, causing a rampant buzz that set the gaming world ablaze. Now, nestled inMicrosoft’s latest statem...
Here’s the thing: Ned Luke himself said that unless any so-called leaks on Grand Theft Auto 6 come from someone that can be confirmed as a current Rockstar employee, then the leaks are very likely complete BS. So, unless the “insider” can be confirmed as an employee at Rockstar, ...
These "GTA 6" leaks all but confirmed that the game is going to be set primarily in Vice City, but it won't exactly be the version of that fictional city with which fans are already familiar. "GTA 5" offered gamers the biggest map in the entire series, but fans who really dug throu...
After all these years, all the rumors and fake leaks, the Casino is finally open in GTA Online. First launched as the Diamond Casino & Resort DLC, players could buy penthouses at the Casino, gamble, spin the lucky wheel and engage in an all-new storyline where you'd work with the ...
進行「資料外流」,協助富蘭克林尋找德瑞博士被偷的手機和幕後主謀,可獲得雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣及聲望值。不僅如此,進行「合約專家」最終階段,並把這起手機盜竊案的主謀抓住給德瑞,還可完成每週挑戰並獲得 10 萬 GTA 遊戲幣獎勵。
在“数据泄密”中协助富兰克林破获德瑞博士手机被盗案件,并揪出元凶,即可赚取双倍 GTA 游戏币和声望值。另外,在《合约》终章任务中,将手机抢劫的幕后黑手交给德瑞,还可获得每周挑战的 10 万 GTA 游戏币奖励。