Discover the tough-nut cast behind your favourite GTA V voice actors. Are you ready to take on your next heist?
Full list of Characters in Grand Theft Auto V, including all Protagonists, Antagonists, Companions, Strangers & Freaks, GTA Online Characters, voice actors and more.
To add a page to this category, editthat pageand add the code:[[Category:Voice Actors for GTA Vice City]]to the bottom. If there is a sub-category more suitable, use that instead of this one. You can add more than one category to a page; ...
In the Nightclub Management: Rescue celebrity mission, Jimmy Boston (if he is the target) mentions Cris Formage when the player rescues him from the cops:“Oh, thank Krant! Did Cris Formage send you?” — Jimmy Boston to the GTA Online Protagonist....
The player can also take her to the Altruist Cult if playing as Trevor, but her death is confirmed not to be canon as she makes an appearance in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the After Hours update, which takes place 5 years after the events of GTA V. ...
Voice by: Hassan Iniko Johnson Jimmy De Santa Occupation: Pothead Location: Rockford Hills About: Michael & Amanda's son and brother of Tracey. Smokes pot and doesn't do much else. Wishes he was a gangster. Codenamed "Kevin De Silva" from casting calls at the bottom of this page. Voic...
but there's always a surprisingly deep story told alongside all the shenanigans. Well-written characters need talented voice actors to bring them to life, and fans have started to figure out who might be portraying some of the characters we'll see in "GTA 6." We may already know two of...
"Grand Theft Auto" is full offascinating characters, from the aspiring criminals at the heart of each story to the weirdos and randoms who hang out on the outskirts of each game's open world. These characters are all brought to life by talented voice actors, many of whom hold the series... "I tried to call him on my house phone a few times but he wasn't answering. He eventually called me back and he wasn't very happy about this whole situation. ...
Harvey Molina | Jimmy Boston | Marnie Allen | The Arms Dealer | The bitterSweet Cofounder† | The Gold Coast Development CEO† | The Importer | The Judge† | The Lawyer | The Protected Person | The Tech Entrepreneur† | The Trendy Millionaire | Unnamed Party Girl | Vagos Driver...