-added the Nightclub garages, 5 floors with 10 cars each, 10 nightclubs. This brings the total number of garage parking slots in Trainer to 778 for each character. -Also ability to set the nightclub and the garage interior at each location. For the Garage, it can be changed at the usua...
GTA5 Simple Trainer内置修改器 v6.11游戏辅助 软件等级: 软件大小:6.92MB 支持语言:简体中文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:游戏软件/游戏辅助 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-12-02 16:45:04 运行环境:WinXp,Win2003,WinVista,Win 7,Win 8,Win 10 厂商:
Console Trainer V has finally come to pc. Installation Download and install Alexander Blade'sScript Hook V pc_trainer_v.asi - Place inside your GTAV install directory. pc_trainer_v.ini (optional) - Place inside in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\pc_trainer.ini. ...
Download for free the best trainer for GTA 5 - Native Trainer for GTA V with automatic installation download for free.
侠盗猎车车5NativeTrainer内置修改器 V1.1类型:游戏工具语言:简体中文 大小:43Mb更新:2024-11-09 平台:WinXP,Vista,Win7,Win8,WinALL等级:立即下载 (43Mb) 小编提示:如下载遇到问题点击反馈!软件介绍 相关评论 为您推荐: gta5内置修改器 软件介绍 侠盗猎车车5nati是一款非常受欢迎的游戏工具,由Rockstar ...
GTA 5 GTA V PC Native Trainer + Scripthook + ASI Loader Mod was downloaded 327301 times and it has 9.75 of 10 points so far. Download it now for GTA 5!
This will tell you, for example, that by default, game controls are disabled whilst in the menu, but that you can turn this off in Miscellaneous > Trainer Options. See, useful. You can redefine the keys using the supplied XML, which should be placed in the game directory. ...
《GTA5》Nati..GTA5 NativeTrainer 修改器(适合v1.43-1.0.1365.1版本)安装说明:把“简体中文”或者“繁体中文”文件夹内的文件覆盖游戏目录即可,是覆盖文件内的6个文件,不是把文件夹覆盖
KriseTrainer.asi是修改器,NativeTrainer.asi是修改器你在游戏根目录找找看,任意删除一个就行了。修改器后面有个文件后缀名是.xml这里面可以改修改器按键! 2楼2016-07-19 12:14 收起回复 X_y稀饭 前来围观 7 打开NativeTrainerConfig找到第二行将里面的115改成116就变成F5启动了 3楼2016-07-19 14:09 ...
GTA5-NativeTrainer (支持最新Epic版本,白嫖党可以用起来了) 版本说明: 本版本适用于GTA5游戏语言为简体的玩家使用(支持线下版本1.0.2060.1,线上版本1.52,向下兼容,旧版本无法刷出新版本载具) 使用方法: 将文件(dinput8.dll,NativeTrainer.asi,NativeTrainerConfig.xml,ScriptHookV.dll)解压到游戏根目录时请全部解压...