Full list of all the GTA 5 Story Missions in order, with complete Walkthrough, Gold Medal Objectives, best approach for Heists and Lester's Assassinations.
Missions passed 任务完成数 138 Highest Vigilante Mission level 最高警察任务等级 12 Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission 警察任务中杀死罪犯数 78 Highest Firefighter Mission level 最高救火任务等级 12 Total fires extinguished 救火任务中扑灭火灾数 78 Highest Paramedic Mission level 最高救护车任务...
$MP0_HUB_PROD_TOTAL_0 产品类型0数量 INT32 $MP0_HUB_PROD_TOTAL_1 产品类型1数量 INT32 $MP0_HUB_PROD_TOTAL_2 产品类型2数量 INT32 $MP0_HUB_PROD_TOTAL_3 产品类型3数量 INT32 $MP0_HUB_PROD_TOTAL_4 产品类型4数量 INT32 $MP0_HUB_PROD_TOTAL_5 产品类型5数量 INT32 $MP0_HUB_PROD_T...
Clear_Unable8989 Solid Squirrel wqx JumpingKentFlash janpawel3 TractorMTZ DeadEyeAdler Forum Statistics 730,994 Total Topics 16,376,228 Total Posts Member Statistics 901,368 Total Members 35,271 Most Online Newest Member Mahram Joined12 minutes ago...
And the best part - you can get it for Free after completing the "First Dose" missions. The Terrorbyte command unit also has a very high resistance to explosives, with the extra ability to survive the same amount of RPG as Homing Missiles, a total of 34 for both weapons. It also ...
Tennis is one of the many activities/mini-games in Grand Theft Auto 5. This activity works similarly to how it does… ByAli Hasan2024-09-04 GTA 5 Parachute Missions – Rewards and Locations There are 13 parachute missions locations in GTA 5, ranging from mountaintops, building rooftops, and...
On top of this, many missions (particularly from Lester and Martin) involve the use of teamwork to succeed. The crew system in GTA Online also encourages customization and personalization, with the addition of crew emblems that can be placed on vehicles and crew colors. ...
58 Strangers and Freaks missions Hobbies and Pastimes (10%) Darts (win) Flight School (bronze or better for 12 tasks) Golf (get par or below) Parachute Jumps(13) Private dance at strip club Races (bronze or better) -Offroad(6),Sea(4),Street(5),Triathlons(3) ...
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Check out theGrand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360) Walkthroughto find details of how to win58 Achievementsfrom this game, worth a total of3,148 TrueAchievement points (1,250 Gamerscore) Achievement Distribution This is the overall win distribution of theGrand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360) Achievements: ...