F1 +64 分享861 电脑吧 当你梦想成真º gta5下载完了也解压完了,文件路径全是英文,双击setup.exe指针转了两圈就没反应了,怎么点都不行,管理员身份也运行了,安全模式也进了,就是没反应,大佬帮我出出招 分享4赞 图拉丁吧 魔之寒风 求支招,90g硬盘怎么才能解压GTA5? --喜欢就是:你喊我走,我还是留下,...
Copy theSocial-Club-Setup.exefrom Steam installation of GTA5 over to Wine installation of GTA5: cp~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/Installers/Social-Club-Setup.exe~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/271590/pfx/drive_c/Program\Files/Rockstar\Games/Launcher/Redistributable...
I just downloaded the GTA V setup tool from the social club and installed it (and re-installed it), however when I run it from my desktop it loads itself up but then gives me a message saying that "The Social Club failed to load due to an incomplete installation (code 4). Please ex...
运行setup.exe 安装, 运行 IMGTool.exe 或使用 "开始菜单 > 程序 > GTAModding" 快捷方式。 1.双击打开imgtool工具, 点击菜单栏-文件--打开 2.选择游戏目录--Models文件夹---gta3.img文件--点击打开。 3.点击菜单栏-编辑--查找,弹出查找框框
A tool to setup your GTA5 firewall rules easily. Adding IPs to your whitelist enables your friends to stay in your session. Setup: Download the latest release and extract all files. Inside the folder start the .EXE as administrator. How-to (SOLO lobby): Start the program with Windows fir...
设计狮: 如果是安装版的,直接点击安装程序PSvsetup.exe,然后按操作安装即可,这个简单,如果下载的是破解面安装的,这个只要解压好了,里面会有一个绿化程序,点绿化程序绿化一下(写入注册表),然后,绿化好了,就ok了。明白??这个不难。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。 Wengxiu邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (2) 如何安装和...
gta5pc吧 感性的绿色蜘蛛 大家看下启动体错误 错误代码107[2015-08-21 16:54:31.734] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:1890004 (for D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe) [2015-08-21 16:54:31.843] [DISPLAY] File version 10001:60005 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Game...
GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto V) FitGirl Repack All Updates Download PC Game setup in a single direct link for Window In Ocean Of Games. GTA 5 PC Game is an amazing action and adventure game
全部都能下载游戏全部能下载,请您用迅雷下载,如有不能下载的,请您回粘,谢谢测试网站 www.wywan.com 麻将传奇3之平衡生活 http://down.wywan.com/game/20080814/MahJongQuest3setup.exe 钻石迷情2 http://down.wywan.com/game/20080814/Bejeweled2Deluxesetup.exe 淘金寻宝 http://down.wywan.com/game/...
1. Download the GT-MP-Setup.exe from this mod page or theofficial website 2. Launch Grand Theft Multiplayer using the installed launcher 3. PressLAUNCHin the upper right corner to launch the game with the mod 4. Once in-game, you should see a menu in which you can use the server br...