This is a realistic gta life RP you can do anything, be a doctor, be a cop, drug dealer, join the army, ect. We are looking for cops mainly right now, we try to keep these as realistic as possible, the only requirements are that you have a mic and that you’re 13+, if you ...
贴吧用户_02b79RP Persona 12 我打完就没事去车库开开我的豪车 来自iPhone客户端9楼2017-05-21 17:34 收起回复 贴吧用户_02b79RP Persona 12 然后去街边按两下喇叭,嘿嘿… 来自iPhone客户端10楼2017-05-21 17:34 收起回复 天之圣杯杯 最终幻想 10 偷了部队多少东西? 来自iPhone客户端11楼2017-05-...
Soap_Rp Wildcat 12 Gta的画面我就不想说什么了 ,满屏的狗牙不说 还有就是恰不到好处的景深,游戏是没啥说的 但是要说画面屌的话 还真得坐个10m远 贴吧用户_0WCW5a9 Matrox 13 看门狗装了MOD也差不多 972686 Adreno 9 画质一般般,总感觉图片中插入了其它东西 防弹主机 Wildcat 12 ps3吧吧友进...
月下复赛(双开) 四个号 9-1 9-1 6-4 8-1 2533 -- 29:19 App 爆肝翻译+注释 | 狂徒盗贼PVP指南 天赋、属性、手法 | 魔兽世界11.0.5 6803 2 0:13 App 双刃-昼伏夜影刷出来两个“昼”和两个“夜”,搭配毁灭征服者-超越MAN该选择“昼”还是“夜”懂行的大佬给个指点。“昼”是增加武器伤害。“...
Role Play experience:played a lot of Gmod Dark Rp and and one gta 5 server that wasnt very good. In Character (IC) Name:Josh Jefferies Age:26 Job/Career/Money Source:Unemployed(Criminal Activities) Bio )Young man with a lot of people after due him due to high leauge gang ...
Works for FiveM RP and Rage MP I’ve used Epsilons’ GTA 5 mod menu online now for 3 weeks and I can’t recommend it enough. I even use it on FiveM RP and Rage MP without any issues. If you’re looking for a menu that won’t get you banned, you’ve come to the right place...
After gaining enough RP to reach Rank 5, Lamar will introduce the player to Benny and hire them to help him rise to power in southern Los Santos. Lamar employs the player to sabotage rival gangs, for example hiring them to crash a Vagos funeral or having them perform drive-bys on the ...
[RP] Available to all players who have completed the "Prologue" mission on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, and then upgraded to the Enhanced Version (PC, PS4, Xbox One). 10 [R*] Available to all players who create a Rockstar Social Club account and link it to their PlayStation Network...
GTA Online: Great White Shark Cash Card (PS4™) (English/Chinese/Korean Ver.) Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.00Average rating 4 stars out of 5 stars from 2 ratings 2 ratings 50% 0% 50% 0% 0% Game and Legal Info Purchase the Great White Shark Cash Card (PS4™)...
GTA Online: Lowriders arrives for PS4, Xbox One and PC as an automatic update on Tuesday, October … Watch Later GTA 5 : Artworks Here are some GTA V artworks. Awesome, aren’t they ? Watch Later #illgottengains2 Snapmatic contest ...