5.6 Base Mod ByMvcGyver 声音 特色 3.57 374,3621,310 Gun Sounds Overhaul BySuspect 声音 4.24 107,601227 Glock 17 - Realistic Sound Mod [Pistol replace] 1.0 ByGCG 声音 4.13 78,613161 Weapon Sound Pack [SP/ FiveM] 1.6.1 Bywellalrightjacob ...
Realistic Weapons Sounds 5.6 Base Mod ByMvcGyver 声音 特色 3.57 374,4981,310 Gun Sounds Overhaul BySuspect 手枪 Max Payne Rockstar Games Animated 4.86 307,231476 Max Payne 3 Glock 1.0 ByOlanov 手枪 4.62 274,163608 Glock 17 0.1 ByJridah ...
— Using this mod as a base or using any resources of this mod is prohibited. — Recommended for better experience:https://gta5-mods.com/scripts/gun-recoil. — If you will run into any trouble or have any questions to ask, you can contact me on Discord:xenort(oldXENORT#4615). ...
Better Stun Gun 1.4 Bykajot Config 4.63 21,215256 Attachment Mod 1.4.4 ByDavuun Config 4.9 11,216254 Realistic rocket pod 2.5 Bykeigk295 Config Environment Config Heavy Add-On Featured 4.93 16,688253 Custom Missile & Vehicle Weapon Add-On Pack ...
mindful that the more realistic lighting conditions that all these mods enable, even though they can look astounding in VR, can sometimes mess with gameplay; for example flying at night becomes much harder and frustrating, especially in 1st person, because you can hardly see the terrain....
mindful that the more realistic lighting conditions that all these mods enable, even though they can look astounding in VR, can sometimes mess with gameplay; for example flying at night becomes much harder and frustrating, especially in 1st person, because you can hardly see the terrain....
Realistic- many of the introduced changes bring GTA V closer to real life - examples include new AI behaviours and tactics, agency jurisdictions, response types and more. However, realistic does not mean real - it’s still the GTA universe, just better. ...
You can clearly see the difference between the pump shotgun and the sawed-off shotgun since they share the same body frame. Snowball, baseball ball, flare, parachute and jerrycan are probably 3DSMax renders, not proper Rockstar templates. ...
Gravity Gun Realistic Damage Hulk Modest Menu Impulse Menu Luna Menu Cherax Menu Terror Menu Disturbed Menu Paragon Menu Phantom X Menu Phoenix Mod Menu Ozark Menu GTA 5 Mod APK 2Take1 Mod Menu Stand Mod Menu Eulen Mod Menu Ovix Mod Menu Fragment Mod Menu Epsilo...
The Speeder is a speed boat that has appeared in most games, starting with Grand Theft Auto III. To date, the Speeder has appeared in both the 3D Universe and the HD Universe. It is manufactured by Pegassi in the HD Universe. The Speeder is designed as a