加长车 (Stretch) |SWAT专用厢式车 (SWAT Van)|坦克 (Tank)| 货车 (Truck) 厢式车 (Van) |警车 (Police car)| 飞机 (Plane) | 沙滩车 (Buggy) 2.特殊载具/步行状态 部分载具因其特殊性,在驾驶这类载具在通缉状态下时警方无线电不会报告玩家目前驾驶的载具种类。步行时则直接报告玩家在步行 (Suspect on...
On this page you find the full list of the best Planes in GTA Online and GTA 5, ranked by their Overall Performance when raced around a lap. The performance of...
On this page you find the list of best armored vehicles in GTA Online, ranked by their Explosive Resistance. We went through every GTA 5 armored vehicle, and...
MG-Flight School 5 Michael_premier //-813.3f, 177.5f, 75.76f occl_meth_grp1 //29.4838f, 3735.593f, 38.688f Plane_crash_trench //2814.7f, 4758.5f, 47.9f - Plane Crash Trench (Combine with "prop_shamal_crash" object ) post_hiest_unload //-630.4205f, -236.7843f, 37.057f prolog...
The following is a list of vehicles that can be controlled in Grand Theft Auto V. Grand Theft Auto V features 347 separate, controllable vehicles.[1] Alongside the controllable vehicles, there are 37 uncontrollable trains and trailers, as well as complet
Plane Boat Monster Truck Besra Cuban 800 Dodo Duster Hydra Luxor Luxor Deluxe Mallard Mammatus Miljet Nimbus P-996 LAZER Shamal Titan Velum Velum 5-Seater VestraDinghy Jetmax Kurtz 31 Patrol Boat Longfin Marquis Seashark Speeder Squalo Suntrap Toro Tropic Tug Weaponized DinghyLiberator Marshall ...
4. Random point on map from list made by the user in the .ini file, 5. In a vehicle on the road or in the air (including what types of vehicles). Respawn on demand A teleporter, using the above features to for example move the player into a car or a plane. Activated with your...
and here you will be directed to Cheat Category: GTA - Playstation 4 Cheats - Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheats to the full list of codes to see on this title series. Slow Motion Aiming Platform: GTA - Playstation 4 Cheats GTA Game: Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheats stunt plane Platform: GTA ...
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This vehicle could be acquired for free if the player was on the After Hours Guest List, between August 7 and August 13, 2018.Radio StationsThe Nightshark has the following default radio station(s):In Grand Theft Auto Online, the default radio stations are grouped by genre. The Nightshark...