打开OpenIV. 并启用编辑模式.把上述文件导入至: 游戏目录updatex64dlcpacksaddonpedsdlc.rpfpeds.rpf下。【以管理员身份】打开游戏目录AddonPeds Editor.exe程序, 点击标签 "Peds(人物角色) -> Add Ped(添加人物)。4、以下空格必须填写:Ped Name(人物名) = 你想要显示的人物名字,Ped Model Name...
打开OpenIV. 并启用编辑模式.把上述文件导入至: 游戏目录updatex64dlcpacksaddonpedsdlc.rpfpeds.rpf下。【以管理员身份】打开游戏目录AddonPeds Editor.exe程序, 点击标签 "Peds(人物角色) -> Add Ped(添加人物)。4、以下空格必须填写:Ped Name(人物名) = 你想要显示的人物名字,Ped Model Name...
BCSO SWAT Ped Model 1.0.0 ByYard1 Description Comments (75) NOTE: Not all screenshots are up to date. This mod is a model and texture replacement for the LSPD SWAT (s_m_y_swat_01) ped. Using Zmodeler 3, this is a custom ped made from existing parts edited to fit together in ord...
added a prop update for the g_m_y_salvagoon_01 ped that corrects the texture names for the bandanna & cap, which was causing them to not spawn properly added a_f_y_vinewood_02: the hairs for the model have been changed out for the a_f_y_hipster_01 versions (as a workaround fo...
This mod is a model and texture replacement for the LSPD Cop (s_m_y_cop_01) ped. This model aims to bring the LSPD Cop from the beta of GTA V (as seen in trailers, in game TV and LSPD adverts) back to game. Features include 3 heads, 2 exactly as in beta and one additional ...
Updated ambientpedmodelsets.meta to fix typo Breach of Contract stranger mission has been modified so that the LSPD units at the start of the mission are replaced with LSSD units Modified Dead Man Walking cutscene to fix a vanilla bug where the first IAA agent on the scene has a badge clip...
Does anyone know the model name of this ped? It sometimes spawns when you go to the main police station. https://gyazo.com/71158df18ae2610451f76e60e0d60c5e Quote ineseri Retired Community Manager Community Team Advisor 5,125 14,310 posts Sweden Posted June 27, 2017 It's the...
LSSD SEB Ped Model1.0.0 Yard1 All Versions 1.0.0(current) 4,710次下载, 7.3 MB 2016年6月25日 More mods byYard1: 紧急 Military 4.31 26,047256 Military Enhancement Project 1.1.3 ByYard1 汽车 原始编辑 Lore Friendly 紧急 5.0 1,96651 ...
A few new fun features: teleport to random location, modify vehicle randomly and repair, jump with vehicle, rare spawns in traffic and copy nearest ped's model skin to the player. A menu can be activated. When activated you can switch between configuration files directly from the menu. ...
5.0 / 5 étoiles (4 votes) Description Comments (10) This mod is a model and texture replacement for Realism Dispatch Enhanced's LSSD SEB (s_m_y_seb_02) ped. Using Zmodeler 3, this is a custom ped made from existing parts edited to fit together in order to provide a semi-accurate...