5 898 Xeoon March 3 The GTA V beta hunt1234334 By StJimmy,January 26, 2014 10k 3.6m funtimeandrefoxy March 2 Increasing ped densities By Shnockered1,February 18, 2018 10 16.4k Timothy James February 27 Least favorite V protagonist?1234 ...
Note: This code changes the all ped acquaintances of the male and female ped types to hate, except for the street criminals, prostitutes, and mission ped types. Madd Dogg will instantly jump off the roof once Carl starts his mission. AJLOJYQYROUGHNEIGHBOURHOOD* Down, Left, Up, Left, A, ...
PedPurge 2.8 ByDeputyRyan .Net 1471 LapTimer 1.1 ByAntthony_12 23 349Загрузок 111Лайков 4.5 / 5 звёзд (7 голосов) Description Comments (166) Hello Everyone :D ::Index:: . 1a)WTF is "Manual Transmission (Continued)" a.k.a. Why, where, what?
Target / Aim Weapon ~PED_LOCK_TARGET~ Crouch ~PED_DUCK~ Action ~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ Walk ~SNEAK_ABOUT~ Look Behind ~PED_LOOKBEHIND~ Look Left a ~PED_1RST_PERSON_LOOK_LEFT~ Look Right a ~PED_1RST_PERSON_LOOK_RIGHT~ Look Up a ~PED_1RST_PERSON_LOOK_UP~ Look Down a ~...
For instance, it would be nice to have the option to disable user control of the camera when the character is rolling on the ground during combat (AI::GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), CTaskCombatRoll)doesn't seem to ever return true). Note that this is different from ragd...
There is a notorious glitch that if the game was tended to restart then the player opens for the second time, there would be a high possibillity that the player's last driven vehicle will disappear from CJ's view (usually happens if the player leaves their car, closes the game and resta...
For instance, it would be nice to have the option to disable user control of the camera when the character is rolling on the ground during combat (AI::GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), CTaskCombatRoll)doesn't seem to ever return true). Note that this is different from ragd...
Fixed crash when checking if the player is dead using the ped native. Added more logging to find out if it still crashes when the player respawns in the tank. Fixed crash in the keep streets clean code. Optimized code that cleans streets to save processor time. Fixed bug in the distance...
You can access your wardrobe from your safehouses and other clothing stores you have shopped from. The only difference from the Safehouse and Clothing Store wardrobe is: You have access to all your clothing in your safehouse. Whereas in the clothing stores, aside from purchasing new clothes,...
咸菜鲍鱼 我觉得GTA5最大的亮点就是多角色自由切换GTA5之前 也有很多多主角游戏 但是主角之间衔接简单 切换生硬 无法带给人多线并进的感觉 就好比阿凡达之前 也有3D电影 但是阿凡达把3D电影推向了高度 分享22赞 steam手柄吧 fgbvhnnjj 玩GTA5角色不能移动,摇杆往上是打开电话,怎么破 分享298 gta5pc吧 慕慕慕。