Labels: .. GTA 4 Crack (No Need for Activation Code and Serial Key GTA 4 ) Hear it is. A working GTA IV Crack + Patch. Insall note 1) Install the game 2) Install the patch 3) Use the. Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for Grand Theft ...
Single should have same activation as in GTA IV - i was able to activate game from diferent PC legally and i was happy to play GTA normal, like human. This time Rockstar have failed all the way and i will never buy legit game from them....
预览 [新闻] Rockstar宣布第二部《GTA4》DLC(详细资料+图) 不二真棒 2009-5-29 08:52 143367 MAX巨响 2009-5-30 07:29 预览 [新闻] 那个OfflineActivation.exe也别去下载! Showfom 2008-12-3 03:56 23347 周杭 2008-12-3 04:16 预览 [新闻] Mod:第一人称视角下的《侠...