height=434 width=700 src='http://player.youku.com/embed/XMjY2MjkwNzU5Mg==' frameborder=0 'allowfullscreen'> 其中更改XMjY2MjkwNzU5Mg==即可(有2处),434、700为pc端的高,宽。 Bootstrap样式栅格系统超小屏幕 手机 (<768px) 小屏幕 平板 (≥768px) 中等屏幕 桌面显示器 (≥992px) 大屏幕...
-- Added instructional buttons to aid you. -- Added a camera sensitivity option. -- Removed some invalid objects. -- Changed how freelook works so you don't need to be in fullscreen anymore. - 0.2 -- Removed invalid objects. -- Added ability to spawn in Peds and Vehicles. Press P ...
Put GTA in borderless window mode, or windowed mode, since the overlay doesn't work in fullscreen. Features Fully External and works in GTA Online Customizable Speedometer/Tachometer Displays coordinates and player speed Detects if you are in vehicle and shows the speedometer accordingly Custom Gauge...
pHake GTA 5 Mod Menu Features MaxWeapon NoWanted GodMode Trigger RpLoop NoClip Teleport to Waypoint Boost Vehicle Boost Player Suicide Usage If you get dll errors, install vc_redist.x64 GTA needs to be in "Fullscreen Windowed" or "Windowed" mode Keys can be changed in settings.ini KeyFunc...
5 hours ago, Lennyy said: If it only works with your mods folder being renamed, then the issue is obvious. Some mod you installed is faulty and causes your game to crash. If you’ve already tried removing some things you installed either no avail, best you can do is start ...
A: Try running GTA2 Manager in Windows 98 compatibility mode (right click gta2manager.exe and go to compatibiliy tab). You could also try fullscreen instead of window mode. Sometimes a reboot will fix it. Q:Why is the frame rate so low? How can I speed up GTA2 singleplayer?
I downloaded lspdfr several days ago and suddenly I don't how to make it work at all and I am confused and need Professional Suggestions and opinions. Much would very greatly appreciated . Thanks Hello, In what order did you download LSPDFR, RPH, and ScripthookV? Also, can ...
— Added full controller support— Added instructional buttons to aid you.— Added a camera sensitivity option.— Removed some invalid objects.— Changed how freelook works so you don’t need to be in fullscreen anymore. –0.2— Removed invalid objects.— Added ability to spawn in Peds and ...
Fullscreen GTA2 may disconnect if you alt tab or if it’s interrupted, so close other apps that might steal the focus, don’t alt tab or just run the game in a window. GTA2 is usually too slow against people on other continents. You should play with opponents that aren’t on the ...
Screen Type- Fullscreen Resolution- Native resolution Refresh Rate- 60Hz FXAA- Off MSAA- Off VSync- Off Pause Game On Focus Loss- Off Texture Quality- Normal Shader Quality- Normal Shadow Quality- Normal Reflection MSAA- Off Water Quality- High ...