[Top 7] GTA Online Best Machine Guns Gunfights in GTA Online require strategy; you always have to adapt to your situation and pick the right weapon to use. You’re sometimes forced to go for pure damage and stopping firepower. There are multiple weapon classes you can use for high firepow...
The Vehicle Machine Gun is a set of two Machine Guns that can shoot on a straight line and is generally weak, but has average range and fire rate. The weapon is effective in Multiplayer Mode, as the other player is unable to jump over the vehicle while they are being fired at. Can...
On this page, you find the full list of all vehicles with the feature 'Fighter Jet' in GTA Online and GTA 5. This '{valueToName...
Here is a listing of all top Grand Theft Auto cheat codes that we have.All GTA cheats in this list are sorted by rating on www.cheat-gta.com.
Enter the Nightshark, where you can sit in perfect comfort behind tinted, sniper-proof glass as the filthy hordes press against your armored hull, then pull the trigger on the dual machine guns and relax as the car does all the hard work for you. Who's crazy now?” — Warstock Cache ...
On this page, you find the full list of all vehicles with the feature 'Autopilot' in GTA Online and GTA 5. This '{valueToName...
Weapons / Guns: TOOLUP Change Weather: MAKEITRAIN The give all weapons cheat code for GTA 5 on PC. Moon Gravity: FLOATER Slippery Cars: SNOWDAY Slow Motion: SLOWMO Spawn BMX: BANDIT Spawn Buzzard: BUZZOFF Spawn Caddy: HOLEIN1 Spawn Comet: COMET Spawn Duster: FLYSPRAY Spawn Limo: VINEWO...
Guns = [0]-- set this to [1] if you want all peds to be given guns from the list in the ini file ***Parachutes = [1]-- This option allows for peds who are over 10 distance units (one unit being about the height of a pedestrian) in the air to pull parachutes and glide...
Realistic Guns Sounds v4.1 - Short Showcase - YouTube Watch On Download from: GTA5 Mods I’m always wary of "Realism" mods, as what people consider realistic can vary wildly depending on perception and circumstance. But whether realistic or not, there’s little question that this constant...
5Dead Island Network Dayz Arma Guns Cars The Walking Deaddeadislandpvp.net 0 6GrandTheftMinecart GTAmc-gtm.net 0 7GTA - GrandCraftAuto Minecraft Server198.24.167.226:41709 0 8VitrolicFactionsplay.vitrolicfactions.com 0 9ChaosMine.serv.nu158.69.226.219:40996:40996 ...