Pump Shotgun 泵动式霰弹枪 原型:Mossberg 590 莫斯伯格 590 ***的莫斯伯格590A1: 莫斯伯格590(Mossberg Model 590)是莫斯伯格父子公司在1970年代中期针对美国要求而在莫斯伯格500的基础上改进而成,590型实际上相当于500型的特殊用途型(Special purpose models)的一个分支,因此没有长枪管的郊野型(Field models)...
伊萨卡37型(Ithaca Model 37)霰弹枪是至今仍在生产的最古老的泵动霰弹枪之一,由伊萨卡枪械公司(Ithaca Gun Company),其用户遍布军警民,虽然用户数量不如雷明顿870、莫斯伯格500/590那样大,但也是一种受欢迎和著名的泵动霰弹枪,在雷明顿870和莫斯伯格500出现之前曾一度是行业的领头羊。但其实伊萨卡37型霰弹枪...
伊萨卡37型(Ithaca Model 37)霰弹枪是至今仍在生产的最古老的泵动霰弹枪之一,由伊萨卡枪械公司(Ithaca Gun Company),其用户遍布军警民,虽然用户数量不如雷明顿870、莫斯伯格500/590那样大,但也是一种受欢迎和著名的泵动霰弹枪,在雷明顿870和莫斯伯格500出现之前曾一度是行业的领头羊。但其实伊萨卡37型霰弹枪并...
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GTAinside is the ultimate Mod Database for GTA 5, GTA 4, San Andreas, Vice City & GTA 3. We're currently providing more than 80,000 modifications for the Grand Theft Auto series. We wish much fun on this site and we hope that you enjoy the world of GTA Modding. [ Read more ] ...
$5,400 (Purchased in Las Venturas) $5,400 (GTA Liberty City Stories, GTA Vice City Stories)$4,050 (Phil's Shooting Range discount; GTA Vice City Stories)$5,000 (GTA IV) $3,500 (Gun van) $3,500 (GTA Chinatown Wars)$2,100 (GTA V) $1,890 (Bronze medal discount) $1,785 (...
Model Model AK471AP Pistol5Advanced rifle6Amanda Dildo2Antique Cavalry Dagger3Assault Rifle55Assault SMG5Assault Shotgun7Baseball Bat10Bat2Battle Axe7Battle Rifle1Battleaxe1Broken Bottle3BullPup1Bullpup Rifle93Bullpup Shotgun4C41Carbine Especial1Carbine Rifle78Coil Minigun9Combat MG10 ...
Updated Zombie Sounds for Simple Zombies Mod 1.2 ByWolfFire23309 Fail Terbaru (Lihat Semua) Ped Config 4.83 6,43964 Sifu Combat Mod "Enhanced Melee Combat Pack #1" 2.0 ByWolfFire23309 Clothing Skin Add-On 5.0 36317 Wei Shen "Sleeping Dogs" [Add-On Ped] ...
This one is much larger than the drivable model (much like the Barracks Semi one, also much larger than the drivable version). Also, the hull hatch is basically a duplicate of the turret hatch (as it still features the gun mounting on it) as well as the left cabin from the drivable ...
Shotgun 4.48 42,351269 Winchester Model 12 [Animated] ByMorrice Sniper Rifle 5.0 3,94964 CheyTac Intervention 1.1 ByJridah SMG 4.78 11,60982 UMP 45 ByJridah Assault Rifle 4.67 158,974516 Colt M4A1 (+Attachments) ByJridah Sniper Rifle