Driver Mod v1.8 Hi Guys this is the first mod I created! Please don't rate low and instead report bugs and I will try my best to fix them. Description Well this is a driver mod that makes another ped drive a car instead of you to the waypoint or just drive around. Difference ...
GENERIC_DRIVER_TITLE:使用通用载具执行任务时出现在菜单上的标题。默认为“乘坐共享驱动程序”。TOGGLE_KEY:任务开始键盘键。默认为“T”。TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1:任务开始控制器按钮 1。默认为“PadRight”。TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2:任务开始控制器按钮 2。默认为“LB”。CANCEL_RIDE_KEY:取消骑乘键盘键。如果客户在车上...
Personal Driver is a simple mod that allows you to have a personal driver, that will drive you to a waypoint, the Default key is L the mod fully supports Controllers, if you want turn of Controllers in the ini, set USECONTOLLER = false . You can also set modifiers to be used as wel...
To change a key you need to specify it in the settings for DriverModePlus.ini file in the directive CONTROL_PRESSED In the settings file, you can also turn on or off the speedometer, configure the type of speed measurement (miles or kilometers), localize the mod, and also specify your ...
Raft Mod + Driver1.1 Share WildWest All Versions 1.1(current) 590 downloads, 3 KB March 26, 2016 More mods byWildWest: Player Gameplay 4.82 3,919159 World interaction / inventory / prop control 0.35 Alpha ByWildWest Franklin Clothing Features: Choose your Wheel- For the first time, in Driver Mod, the script allows you to choose, a vehicle from different sets. Do mind, Vehicles will cost you the money. Choose your Chauffeur / Personal Driver- Now, choose one from set...
28 骑鹿Ride A Deer Redux MOD 覆盖版 01:19 驾驶UFO飞碟 MOD 覆盖版 02:01 丧尸来袭 ZombieZ V MOD 覆盖版 01:10 GTAMOD 2021款 奥迪RS7 MOD Audi RS7 2021 [添加载具] 01:29 GTAMOD 2023款 本田 思域 Type R MOD Honda Civic Type-R FL5 2023 [添加载具] 01:19 GTAMOD 五菱宏光mini MOD [...
【中配】Winlator自定义萝卜超级驱动Turnip Driver v24.3.0 | GTA5可达60fps | 安卓Windows模拟器 04:39 【中配】Winlator v2大更新 Glibc版7.1.2,可安装自定义WCP | GTA5 50fps以上 | 安卓Windows模拟器 08:31 【中配】Winlator Frost也推出Glibc版啦 7.1.1 V1 | 自定义控制器好用 | 安卓Windows...
懂车帝提供gta5汽车 mod的车友交流详细内容,懂车帝是一个汽车资讯平台,懂车更懂你。我们提供最新汽车报价,汽车图片,汽车价格大全,行情、评测、导购等内容,看车选车买车就上懂车帝。