2.绝致(Declasse) 美国大厂,旗下车型众多,范围很广 品牌原型是雪佛兰 (1)绝致统领(DeclassePremier) 家用小轿车,经济实惠,谈不上什么性能 原型是雪佛兰Cobalt 在游戏中期,逆子吉米给麦克下了药并开走了他的黑色奥北之后,麦克买了一辆红色统领充当临时座驾 (2)绝致屌王(DeclasseGranger) 经典的美系大型SUV,深受美...
2.绝致(Declasse) 美国大厂,旗下车型众多,范围很广 品牌原型是雪佛兰 (1)绝致 统领(Declasse Premier) 家用小轿车,经济实惠,谈不上什么性能 原型是雪佛兰Cobalt 在游戏中期,逆子吉米给麦克下了药并开走了他的黑色奥北之后,麦克买了一辆红色统领充当临时座驾 (2)绝致 屌王(Declasse Granger) 经典的美系大型SUV,...
2. 绝致 屌王(Declasse Granger)经典美系大型SUV,原型为第十代雪佛兰萨博班,深受美国人欢迎,用途广泛。3. 绝致 海致(Declasse Asea)原型未知,但是一款家用小轿车,原型可能为美国本土的紧凑型车。4. 绝致 屌客(Declasse Burrito)用途广泛的厢式货车,原型为02款雪佛兰Express,深受飞车党青睐。5...
The Declasse Granger is a four-door full-size SUV featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. The Granger closely resembles the tenth-generation Chevrolet Suburban in terms of the front-end, side, and rear profiles. The taillights and bla
Albany BrighamAnnis S80RRBravado Youga Classic 4×4Buckingham Alpha-Z1Declasse Granger 3600LXKarin Futo GTXOcelot XA-21Übermacht Rebla GTSVapid Stanier LE 巡逻车 如果你一直在关注这些GTA在线模式中的车辆,现在是用赏金猎人赚来的钱入手一辆新车的好时机,无论是用来在洛圣都街头巡航还是在天际翱翔!据...
A map of 50 pieces of DECLASSE FIB GRANGER security was created that will follow you anywhere (escort) Instead of DECLASSE FIB GRANGER security, you can also replace it with real-life cars to make it really cool. After installing the mod for 50 pieces of DECLASSE FIB GRANGER security,...
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GTA V Declasse Granger 2-doors Automan 24.03.2017 | 15532 GTA V Pegassi Infernus Classic Automan 23.03.2017 | 22181 GTA V Grotti Turismo Classic Automan 19.03.2017 | 20424 GTA V Bravado Buffalo 2-doors Coupè & Cab ... Automan 14.03.2017 | 30195 GTA V Karin Technical Aqua ...
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