5,56931 PT SWAT Mod Pack 2.0 ByGTAEU-MODS Melee Sword 5.0 9,84732 Anime One Piece-Style Sword ByMasChannel Config 4.89 3,86282 Manual pickups [OIV] CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED 1.2.1 ByZserbo 4.31 77814 FCB/Madrid Weapon Light 1.2 Byjose89yt ...
Weapon Texture 4.9 95818 Carbine Color Pack 5.0 ByNobodyCares71 Handgun 5.0 2,20331 MR6 (From Black Ops 3) ByTheNathanNS Assault Rifle 2.05 2343 G36c ByBossWithStyle Thrown Max Payne 5.0 1,59615 Molotov - Max Payne 3 1.0 ByKaai210 ...
When looking for mods to download, the choices can be almost overwhelming. There are several categories and thousands of mods to pick within each one of those categories. While every player's desires for their mod experience will be different, we've compiled a top-five list of the best GTA...
将bass.dll dinput8.dll 和scripts文件夹解压到gta5.exe目录在选择简体/繁体的里面的2个文件解压到scripts文件夹简繁不要混用有汉化BUG请反馈给我!按键说明按Ctrl N - 显示MODS菜单 上/下键或小键盘2/8选项,回车或小键盘5确定默认最多陨石原文Toggle the meteors in the mod menu or set a hotkey in the ...
Trainers Trains Weapons GTA 5 Mods : Sounds Author:Bakamania,MaoBO Date:24.04.2016 Downloads:77158 |Statistics Filesize:126.485 MB Rating: 10.00 based on 9 votes Donations Are Appreciated and will help me try to make a gta v trees and road textures ovehaul ...
-- Target must be stealth killed with a melee weapon, the guards any silenced weapon. -- Guards and target have view cones if they see you they will be alerted. -- Guards hold position or walk patrols. -- Guards are alerted by near by gun fire (i.e don't miss)and other dead ...
For the same reasons, I went to some effort to implement dominant-eye alignment when rendering the weapon model, so that you can properly aim down the sights as you would in real life. See Advanced tweaking later on for information on how to select your dominant eye (default is the right...
A simple GTA V Weapon Editor. Simple table based UI, simple controls, made to get the editing done in a simple and easy manner. Now with a color selector to change the table to your preference! You can now change values by a percentage of themselves! If you like the tool, ...
Reaching any these limits when installing weapon mods makes the game crash while loading. This ASI allows you to increase these limits to prevent those crashes. Thanks to CitizenFX/FiveM for their weapon components limit patch. Installation
The weapons package replaced all the weapon models,all weapon sound and all weapon data!All models are derived from the ---GTA4MODS---, I just put some good models together.Thanks to these modellers! The weapons package is the biggest bright spot silencing weapons (such as AK, M4, UZI...