皮肤 555 Enhanced Niko Bellic 1.0 ByNawii Add-On 5.0 565 Jeff The Killer (AddonPeds) 2.0 ByN1kol4y 服装 Add-On 紧急 Lore Friendly 上衣 美国 20614 Clandestine actions 1.0 ByC2Z 皮肤 Add-On 713 venom stone demon 1 Bygta5newpeds
1) Установить Addon peds mod:"https://ru.gta5-mods.com/scripts/addonpeds-asi" 2) загрузитьмодельвдиректориюмодаинастроитькакдиктуетмод. Skin Add-On
MTN'S: Hallloween Pack | Part I Not From This World (Addon-Peds). 1.0 ByMTN4456 服装 皮肤 Add-On 5.0 75736 MTN'S: Hallloween Pack | Part I Lone Survivors (Addon-Peds). 1.0 ByMTN4456 服装 皮肤 Add-On 面具 5.0 4,76677
-adjuster-600-mb-of-heap Packfile Limit Adjuster: https://www.gta5mods.com/tools/packfile-limit-adjuster Hope this helps prevent crashes with addon peds if you encounter ! *** to Use: In order to spawn or playas the Puerto Rican model in game, enter the model's name...
Packfile Limit Adjuster (RECOMMENDED) - https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/packfile-limit-adjuster CHANGELOG 4.1 Script now requires SHVDN 3.7.0 nightly 6 or later Updated livery changer to shvdn v3 Restored ambient backup feature, which allows cops to call in backup against hostile peds ...
5,15365 Dreads Pack for Frank V1.1 ByNOTVAN0SS Skin Add-On 2421 Shinchan Black Addon Ped Byasgta Clothing Skin Add-On Fictional 4.79 1,73735 Among Us Costume MP Male and Female 1.1 By3dsami Hair 1,02211 Hair for MP Male 2.0V ...
10, 打开https://zh.gta5-mods.com/misc/gta-5-gameconfig-300-cars,点击下载 11, 将下载的压缩包打开,点击Gta Config v...这个文件夹,打开5x traffic 5x peds这个文件夹,将里面的gameconfig.xml复制到以下图片路径里 12, 打开https://zh.gta5-mods.com/tools/heap-limit-adjuster-600-mb-of-heap下载这...
https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/heap-limit-adjuster-600-mb-of-heap Packfile Limit Adjuster: https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/packfile-limit-adjuster Hope this helps prevent crashes with addon peds if you encounter them! *** How to Use: In order to spawn or play as the Puerto Rican ...
Open the Addon Peds Editor Click the "Peds" menu, and select "New Ped" Type in the name, in this case "Mai", and click ""Add Pad". *The name HAS to be the exact same name as the ped files. *Set "Ped Type" to "Female" and "Is Streamed" to "false". *See image below Cl...