All models are derived from the ---GTA4MODS---, I just put some good models together.Thanks to these modellers! The weapons package is the biggest bright spot silencing weapons (such as AK, M4, UZI···), so the name for the spy weapons pack.All models are relatively fine. Weapon...
GTAinside is the ultimate GTA Mod DB and provides you more than 95,000 Mods for Grand Theft Auto: From Cars to Skins to Tools to Script Mods and more.
Weapons GTA 4 Mods : Modifications Author:Naruto 607 Website|Email Date:24.08.2017 Downloads:18487 |Statistics Filesize:46.629 MB Rating: 10.00 based on 4 votes This is one of my personally created weapon data mod to increase world realism. I've been developing it using the basis of people...
安装GTA4武器MOD需要以下工具:安装武器MOD请自行备份weapons.img文件!(路径 X:Rockstar GamesGrand ...
This mod will add 17 new weapons converted from GTA EFLC, including original animations. They won't replace the original weapons. You can spawn in using the Simple Trainer. How to install? 1. You have to extract all the files in the folder "v 1.3" into your IV's directory. ...
GTA4武器MOD安装方法:1、先下个SPARK IV(这个比较通用)。2、然后还要有Filecheck Fix这个补丁,这是绕过GTA4自带的文件自检功能。3、然后找到E:#92;Grand Theft Auto IV#92;pc#92;models#92;cdimages文件夹里weapons.img这个文件,右键点属性,去掉“只读”。4、然后打开SPARK IV,点那个browse,...
ivaud导出,并用gta ivaud 1.1.5将所有WAV文件导入WEAPONS.ivaud替换原文件(还要记得备份),再用SparkIV倒回/resident.rpf 3、如果你下载的MOD里面带有weaponinfo.xml,直接复制到/common/data(这个似乎是有的,再记得备份)4、OK,进游戏就会发现原来的武器被替换了,去枪店买一把吧 ...
侠盗猎车4 苹果手机iphone30武器替换MOD由5.8mm制作分享,超霸气的Iphone30手机武器,你值得拥有,喜欢的朋友快来下载吧! MOD详情: iphone 30,更轻,更长,更薄,给你带来全新的生活体验^ o ^ 使用说明: 用SparkIV或者OpenIV将w_bat.wdr和w_bat.wtd导入X:\Grand Theft Auto IV\pc\models\cdimages下的weapons....
另外还有很多功能,比如weapons里面就是各种武器,teleport里面有很多有意思的瞬移点等 但是,注意:所有生成汽车/行人/保镖/物件的功能全部无法使用(可以生成武器),因此不能直接调出来高档跑车了,老外那也没有解决方法,很遗憾。 大概就是这样,希望重温的玩家们游戏愉快。
GTA 4 Weapons : Alternative Weapons (Guitars, Cakes, Beverage Cans ...) Author:Mohamed saleh |Email Date:16.07.2016 Downloads:7731 |Statistics Filesize:2.578 MB Rating: 10.00 based on 2 votes it is a hard work to do this alone but I must do it becuse no one in this world want to ...