Ultimate GTAIV Performance Fix !~ The Idea: You've heard this rant a million times, GTAIV was future proofed all reflections and shadows are scaled with the resolution. A stupid yet seemingly unfix-able problem that makes the game a mess. Playing a game in 1024x768 or lower is not acce...
《侠盗猎车手GTA4》来自GTAForums置顶贴的解决方案 Steps: 步骤: 1. Get rid of -nomemrestrict or any current commandlines you have. Run the game and let it die. When you run the game, go to the graphic options, turn your resolution to 800x600 or 1024x768 or whatever you want the refle...
楼上几位不要乱讲好吧.1.01补丁修正了一些问题.1.02补丁优化了画质,并且提高了帧数,多了几个画质选项,帧有5左右的提高.最重要的加了防盗版程序,E键上网无效. 不过现在有了破解补丁.楼主可以放心了,总的来说1.02升级补丁对画面和帧数都有明显提升,玩1.01版的同学该升了....
The first time I played the game after all the updates and patches, I put all texture options to Medium and had to resolution slightly lower than the maximum. I kept theAspect Ratiooption on AUTO. Vsync and Definition were toggled to ON. Run the game and see how it runs, adjust the ...
WPL fixes №4(Bohan) and №8(Algonquin). Improvements by Ash_735 Restored higher resolution textures from IV PC across TLAD/TBOGT (all TBoGT map textures is in PC quality now, and this is why update weights 500mb more, but it's definitely worth it). Restored higher resolution textures fr...
v3.0.4: more softlocking fixes with very high fps v3.0.3: Added an option to enable high resolution shadows via ini (doubles cascaded shadowmap resolution, very GPU intensive, previously known as FixCascadedShadowMapResolution option) v3.0.2: Fixed IMG counter display issue. ...
Certain causes of the RESC10 error have been fixed (Alt-Tab, change resolution). If you ...
-shadowdensity (0-16) 设定阴影密度 -novblank 关闭垂直同步 -norestrictions 取消显卡设定的限制 -width 设定宽度(默认800)-height 设定高度(默认600)-frameLimit 60 限制fps(设置为60)-refreshrate 60 设定渲染窗口速率(设置为60)-windowed 强制游戏在窗口模式下运行 -noprecache 关闭预读取 (此项...
《侠盗猎车手GTA4》官方V1.02升级补丁 更新说明: Version版本1.0.2.0 GRAPHICS FIXES / ADDITIONS:图形FIXES /增加: Graphics Menu:图形菜单: Added "Water Quality", "Shadow Quality" and "Reflection Resolution" sliders in graphics menu.补充说, “水质” , “阴影品质”和“反思”的决议滑块的图形...
Phone speckle pattern made texture-resolution independent (as per request). 06/30/2024 Hove Beach: Fixed missing AO under a section of the Pier. Hove Beach Station glass roofing no longer lets rain through, stained glass now casts shadow while retaining alpha shader, railing along entrance impro...