,用手机第一次输入数字后拨通,屏幕会出现作弊成功的提示(Cheat Activated)。然后就可以通过手机的cheat选项选择代表各种效果的各个选项作弊。 送TA礼物 1楼2010-04-29 21:55回复 会摆渡的熊 去看置顶 1 362-555-0100 DOC-Health 补满生命和防弹衣和交通工具恢复原样267-555-0100 COP-Wanted Down 提升一...
(双指在屏幕中间下滑呼出),支持中文“cheat”在菜单中选"cheat"即可。 游戏为中文汉化版,添加了超高画质及大量豪车。 侠盗猎车手下滑作弊版(侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯)安装说明 更新时间:2024/4/3 侠盗猎车手罪恶都市手机中文内置作弊菜单版如名所示,游戏本体保证货真价实的同时,还拥有中文与内置的cleo作弊菜单。当...
使用方法是:复制root文件夹下的两个文件夹到根目录,并在I:\seplugins中的game.txt内添加一行字ms0:/SEplugins /vcscheatdevice371.prx seplugins文件夹下没有game.txt的请自行添加。之后在恢复模式里打开插件即可。游戏中上+L打开关闭插件 3楼2015-05-29 19:34 回复 D_星光 小有美名 5 游戏中上+L打开...
Another cheat to get full health, armor, ammo and repair one's vehicle can be used if the player is driving the Mr. Tasty ice-cream truck; cycle through the ice cream jingles (using the horn button) until the GTA IV theme plays, then call the ZiT Service (948-555-0100). Although ...
Turismo (Supercar) 227-555-0147(CAR-555-0147) None. 1* Another cheat to get full health, armor, ammo and repair one's vehicle can be used if the player is driving the Mr. Tasty; cycle through the ice cream jingles (using the horn button) until the GTA IV theme plays, then call...
First, successfully complete the “Father/Son” story mission to unlock Los Santos Customs (car repair shop). You will also need quite a bit of money to fully upgrade a vehicle. Additionally, not all vehicles can be modified. Open the internet browser on your in-game cell phone, and go ...
GTA 4 money cheat As I mentioned, there's noexplicitGTA 4 money cheat to make cash, but you can farm it by spawning certain cars and selling them. To do that you'll need to complete all of Stevie's car theft missions, then once that's done you can sell specific cars by taking th...
Rockstar has pretty much covered ways to cheat the walking in the game. Even taking the train will only count the distance you go on the train itself and not the distance you cover over the land while hitching a ride. Of course you can still rig your controller to move Michael in circl...
Jobs: Mechanic, Truck Driver, Bodygourd, Bus driver, Arms Dealer, Car Dealer, Drugs Dealer, Whore ect.. Mechanic: can refill cars, can repair cars Medic: can heal players. BodyGuord: can be selector in the club, can be a man that opens famileys gate, protects the mayor. ...
Assassination 4 (The Bus): Vapid (BAWSAQ stock) Assassination 5 (The Construction): GoldCoast (LCN stock)Free vehicle repair While in a damaged vehicle, switch to a different character, and then immediately switch back to have that vehicle completely repaired. ...