Within the TKEY block is an array of TKEY entries containing the offset to and the name of the TDAT entry. A TDAT entry contains the text to be displayed in the game. Header OffsetTypeDescription 0x00 char[4] GBLE: English GBLF: French GBLG: German GBLI: Italian GBLS: Spanish ...
Language EnglishChinese(Traditional)Chinese(Simplified)FrenchGermanItalianJapaneseKoreanMexicanPolishPortugueseRussianSpanish GTA OnlineZorrusso佐盧索佐路索ZorrussoZorrussoZorrussoゾラッソ조루쏘ZorrussoZorrussoZorrussoZorrussoZorrusso Traffic Default Colors ...
* Russian, * Korean, * Chinese, * Japanese, * Mexican - 1.8 -- Added a way to change the Draw Distance. This affects props, peds and vehicles. Default is 300. This can help your framerate, or you can extend it to remove pop-ins. You can find it in the Settings submenu. ...
-Added language support, Current languages are English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Finnish. More Languages to come in the future! Please join my discord to get in contact if you would like to translate the mod into your language. ...
The 9F Cabrio is one of the few non-personal civilian vehicles to always use the same "Stock" horn sound. It shares the same "Stock" horn sound with Trevor'sBodhi. This also applies to the regular 9F. See Also 9F- Standard, hard-top variant. ...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -3,6 +3,24 @@ constexpr auto MAX_PLAYERS = 32; enum class eGameLanguage : int { ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, BRAZILIAN_PORTUGUESE, POLISH, RUSSIAN, KOREAN, TRADITIONAL_CHINESE, JAPANESE, MEXICAN_SPANISH, SIMPLIFIED...
t and x are unused in the English language file but appear to be used erroneously in other language files. The token c appears erroneously in GXT key FIN_B5; it could have represented the cyan color to match the color of the blip the text represents.[1] The token also appears in GXT...
Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Add file RSS Files Beta 3.0 Jan 16 2020 Demo 2 comments Only russian language. Newest beta reales is complety diffrent, RPG-system, non-linear quests, many new creatures, ...
mission you completed, such as "It's Your Call". We also recommend you note the names of any side activities you complete, such as "Bowling". Please try and use the English mission name where possible to help us out for the lists, even if you play the game in a different language....
So, you are free to change mobile phones as this game will be available on your cloud id. Multiple Languages The game comes in many different languages. No matter if you are German, Italian, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, or English, you will find language support. Compatibility Grand...