4,3个人物,分别为niko,麦克,催佛5,为了方便超级小白,我特地将mod放数据包里,并添加了一些cleo,和支持精简版数据包及中文cleo的apk6,使用方法:解压后把Android放sd卡目录即可,如提示覆盖点确定,里面的apk安装完成即可游戏,mod还在上传,1.7g吧,稍等,先看效果图吧 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3595262121?share=...
Experience the electrifying world of rockstar games in a new level and version at gta sa lite mod apk through captivating videos that will leave you breathless. Immerse yourself in the thrilling adventures and mind-blowing gameplay that have made into a thrilling story. Join the ranks of the ...
第二步:人物mod导入进“gta3.img”里,是gta3.img哦:打开gta3.img导入:好啦,这样第二步结束 6楼2011-12-26 11:12 回复 彩虹序章 武林高手 9 好啦,还一步,别看晕╮(╯▽╰)╭将“模拟变身”cleo放进cleo主程序里:这个是cleo4里的截图:这样就好咯哦 7楼2011-12-26 11:14 回复 彩虹序章 武林...
Godd luck for your new CLEO mod, and keep your work because it's awesome ! Thanks, but that mod works only with 2 ladders , and those ladders was created by wesser, so if I make this mod, then I need too make new ladders on entyre Sanandreas map, and as you know , its impos...
(安卓CLEO主程序官方已经停止更新。目前SA2.00.VC1.09.GTA31.8支持CLEO全是因为FLA插件的功能)4.vehicle audio loader/车辆音频加载(可自定义任意一辆车的引擎声、开门声、喇叭声、电台等)5.global exception handler implemented/异常处理程序(游戏报错崩溃会生成log日志文件)6. Fix keyboard making bad mouse movement...
javascripttypescriptgtascripting-languagescripting-enginecleolibrarycleo-redux UpdatedMar 8, 2025 Rust A mod menu for Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City & SanAndreas Classic Singleplayer imguigtacheatmenu UpdatedNov 16, 2023 C++ Javascript and Typescript wrapper for the FiveM natives API ...
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