1:GTA IV Control Center(作弊器)3:GTA4 Native Trainer(全版本支持的作弊器)4:GTAIV Car Spawner(刷车工具)10:GTA IV Bodyguard Mod 保镖 这4个都支持1.0.1.0 下载地址和介绍:http://hi.baidu.com/exiscetti/blog/item/a4f0433052523a90a8018e2d.html 补充:你要简单的那我找到...
This is a mod that allows you to spawn a car or a helicopter, clean and fix your vehicle and remove a wanted level extract the CarSpawner folder and place the scripts folder into your GTA 5 directory and done Requirements: ScriptHook, ScriptHookDotNet, and EnableMPCars ...
文件中包含vehcile.img、carcols.dat、handling.dat、vehcile.ide、Carspawner(刷车工具)四个文件,约183Mb... 可配合本人使用的刷车工具..."CarSpawner"... “PS:游戏中按Alt+(1234567890-=\[';/)、Alt+Num(0.123456789/*-+)、Ctrl+Num(0123456789/*-+)、Ctrl+(1234567890-=\[])可刷出车...刮号()中每...
Rotation of camera when car spawner is running works too if you hold on the \ slash key and move the mouse around. Fully compatible with GTA San Andreas v1.0 [US] HOODLUM No-CD Fixed EXE & GTA: San Andreas v1.01 [EURO] No-CD/Fixed EXE Fully compatible with any screen (4:3, 16:...
-carspawner刷出车辆 -paintrandom随机喷漆 -fix修复车辆 -wrapinspawnedoff/on关闭/开启直接坐在创建车辆里面 -invincibleoff/on关闭/开启车辆无敌 -speedboostoff/on关闭/开启车辆速度(NUM9/3)【world/世界选项】-moongravityoff/on关闭/开启月球重力 -randomcopsoff/on关闭/开启随机警察 -randomtrains...
建一个txt文本里面写上你要刷出的载具名称和刷出指令 比如T20就这样写(前面写载具名称后面写刷出指令 目前不清楚能不能用繁体中文) 超跑T20\T20 XXXX\XXXX XXXX\XXXX XXXX\XXXX 下面可以写无限多 写完保持后缀名改成cfg 然后放进游戏根目录下的Scripts的AddOnCarSpawner里 32412 gta5pc吧 aimyon199583 请问我...
1. Open "AddOnCarSpawner" Folder, Choose a CFG file. 2. Open it with Notepad 3. Then Add "Car Name\Car Model" (eg: "Grotti Turismo R\turismor") 4. File > Save. 5. That is all. Changelog: v2.2.4 - Fixed Vehicle refuse to spawn problem. v2.2.3 - Fixed options not being...
In my second save for example, Roman died in the end and now it would be cool to continue his business with his own car. And maybe you could remove that cops/medics can't join as passanger, but thats not important. 4) What do you think of the tip bar? Is it going too fast?
预览 [讨论] 如何让GTA4的行人和圣安德列斯一样,互相争斗,具有攻击性 flyingplus 2010-3-2 15:50 74771 as003444 2011-9-11 00:40 预览 [求助] 求侠盗猎车手GTA4 的CarSpawner 我的版本号是1.1B的 2023488 2011-9-11 00:36 02244 2023488 2011-9-11 00:36 预览 [贴图] O...M...G...这就...
page97.ctfile.com/fs/RPD156312669 3.建一个txt文本里面写上你要刷出的载具名称和刷出指令 比如T20就这样写(前面写载具名称后面写刷出指令 目前不清楚能不能用繁体中文) 超跑T20\T20 XXXX\XXXX XXXX\XXXX XXXX\XXXX 下面可以写无限多 写完保持后缀名改成cfg 然后放进游戏根目录下的Scripts的AddOnCarSpawner里...