lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print("FPS Sensor"); delay(2500); } void loop() { read_fps(); if (digitalRead(2) == 0) //If button pressed { Enroll(); //Enroll a fingerprint } delay(100); } void Enroll() { int enrollid = 0; // find open enroll id bool okid = true; while...
Send theDELETE_ALLcommand to the fingerprint module to delete all the 200 IDs. Returns a promise. verify(ID) Send theVERIFYcommand to the fingerprint module to verify if the finger placed on the fingerprint sensor match the specified ID. Returns a promise. ...
The GT-511C3 is embedded fingerprint sensor which has an increased memory capacity up to 200 different fingerprints. The module is small and easy to mount using two mounting tabs on the side of the sensor and have False Acceptance Rate (FAR) < 0.001% and False Rejection Rate (FRR) < ...