Genmega introduces the GT3000 series through-the-wall ATM. Designed and intended as a true through-the-wall machine, the GT3000 retains all the features and options of a retail floor model ATM in a small, compact weather resistant chassis, perfect for tight spaces, Kiosks or anywhere location...
Item #: GT3000 ATM Machine $3,855.00 Download Brochure Current Configuration Customize Options Standard ATM Configuration 800 Note Fixed Cassette 7" Color TFT LCD Windows CE 6.0 TCP/IP & SSL Electronic Lock EMV Card Reader Gencam Camera
TeraMetrics ATM OC-3c/STM-1 OC-12c/STM-4c ATM-3453As Force PowerPMC-260 NEW for CPCI or VME Teknor Applicom MX8 CPCI board Kodak Bowe Bell & Howell Spectrum XF 8140DCI Series 800... Kodak Bowe Bell & Howell Spectrum XF 8120DCI Series 800... Crown 20MT Walkie Forklift Factory Rebuil...
银行的话附近有珠海商业银行ATM、珠海华润银行ATM、中国邮政储蓄银行ATM,平时着急用钱取款,办个事儿也是不用担心的。绿化真的有点少,光秃秃的全是楼了。 房天下网友匿名网友 2018-01-25 综合商场就在小区附近,华发商都、米兰百货,跟朋友聚会逛吃逛吃蛮方便的,整个地段优势还是很大的。居住密度适中,住在这里舒服...
此外,ZTE WATCH GT还支持5ATM级别防水性能,提供日常健康守护,支持血氧饱和度监测、24小时心率监测和睡眠质量监测。续航方面,配合智能电池管理,ZTE WATCH GT在日常使用模式下可支持15天超长续航,提供全场景全天候的随身陪伴。 新路由——AX5400和AX3000 面向家庭宽带用户,中兴推出了骐骥系列Wi-Fi 6路由器AX5400和AX...