我用驱动精灵装的16位分辨60... 直接去 nvidia 官网下载 驱动即可 如果你懒得找 地址是 http://www.geforce.cn/drivers/results/44976 (xp的) 猜你关注广告 1闲云传奇 2字体设计 3天津二手房网 有机肥生产线 tr外汇平台 万劫传奇 5g概念股 专本套读 刚开的传奇 木塑地板 贪玩蓝月 肉苁蓉...
I cant remember, when the WiFi was 100% stable with Intel drivers. Either you have some performance regression that over time, the WiFi link becomes slower or more unstable, or that you have not working WiFi auto reconnects, mostly after standby wake-ups or after Windows restart....