易车讯日前,我们从相关渠道获得了保时捷911 GT2 RS的最新消息,该车可能会在2026年亮相,最大亮点是可能会搭载保时捷全新开发的混合动力系统,目标是功率超过700马力,海外售价约25万英镑,以当前汇率计算约210万人民币。 综合目前掌握的消息来看,保时捷911 GT2 RS并非像此前大家猜测的那样,将会搭载插电式混合动力系统,而...
Porsche will lay the foundations for the electrification of the 911 with an advanced new GT2 RS Hybrid - a model that will be the most powerful and fastest-accelerating road-going variant of the iconic sports car yet, according to company insiders. Due in 2026, the top-of-the-line, ...
保时捷911一直是跑车界的巅峰,这款混合动力GT2 RS有望再创新高。它不只是一辆车,更是一种梦想,对速度和激情的极致追求。它会给我们带来什么惊喜?让我们一起期待2026年!
However,IseeonlinethatthecurrentaskingpriceforausedGT2RSis£450,000.Whichmeanssomeonehasmademorethan£215,000tax-freeforsimplygettingtheirnameonalist. 然而,再去网上看看,一辆二手GT2RS人家就敢开价45万英镑(约合人民币406万)。如果你能把自己放到购买名单上,等于你已经赚了21万(约合人民币194万)多了。
#LPcatalog# 2023保时捷911 GT2 RS Clubsport EVO 这是一款还在继续更新的991赛车,随着GT2赛车允许在耐力赛中运行,保时捷推出了提高空动效率和长距离性能的EVO套件 空动设计直接来自GT2 RS Clubsport 25,相...
I own 3 GT2 and 2 GT2RS This comment's likes: 10 Flag as not constructive 6/28/23 at 2:28 AM Kzaam1 This author's likes: 20 @essrt8 how many GT2’s are you looking to own! This comment's likes: 0 Flag as not constructive 6/28/23 at 2:20 AM merediad This author...
日前,保时捷发布911 GT2RS Clubsport Evo官图,新车针对空气动力学和耐久性再度升级,4月底已在意大利蒙扎举行的欧洲Fanatec GT2系列赛中完成首秀。 具体来看,新车命名中的Evo具体指的是升级版Evo-kit空力套件,重新设计了前唇分流器,尾翼上有更高的格尼襟翼,换装新的前裙板、用于改善刹车散热的进气道以及前杠中央的散...
RS232: DB-9pin USB Features Short-Throw Full HD 3D Geometric Correction HDR Blackboard Mode Crestron RoomView™ Compare to the Competition Price Age Lamp Life Popularity More Optoma Projectors Similar Projectors Optoma GT2000HDR Resolution: 1920x1080 DLP Brightness: 3500 Lumens (ANSI) Light...
these are standard prices, not promo prices, which makes this phone so much attractive at that price. Reply V VRei XW7 03 May 2023 Suarez, 01 May 2023Heard that this chipset overheats. Anyone who has this phone, can you tell if it's suitab... moreif you play games like genshin, ...
2023保时捷911 GT2 RS 690马力 3.8L双涡轮在古德伍德速度节 车行天下817发布时间:08-18 23:16 0 全部评论 (0) 暂无评论相关车 保时捷911 保时捷 129.80-300.9992万 查报价单 销量排行榜 总榜单 星愿 6.88-9.78万 全国销量28588 查报价单 海鸥 6.98-8.58万 全国销量26958 查报价单 星越L 13.72-17.97万 全国...