but while the Nissan can trounce all comers, the ride is geared to the enthusiast; even on 'comfort' setting the suspension jolts you about in an awkward fashion - fine for the driver keen to press on but not so
Kagotani had quite a challenge on his hands when it came to the engine, as he needed to create a responsive yet very powerful set up able to give instant acceleration out of corners. He based the motor around a limited edition "RRR" 2.8L Nismo GT block, the same cast iron block that...
快速而愤怒的保罗沃克蓝色汽车壁纸_1920X1200(fast-and-furious-paul-walker-blue-car-wallpaper_1920x1200) mooc1121 8个月前 游戏内的分数_1(INGAME_SCORES_1) 愤怒的小鸟空间(Angry Birds Space) / 杂项(Miscellaneous) / 全部(Everything) 70张 愤怒的小鸟图片 日产天际线GT-R R34-车 日产-...
The whole point of this project was to create a comfortable GT-R, a car that could be driven every day but at the same time have enough reserves of power to satisfy even the most demanding of drivers. HKS probably has the most vast parts catalogue for the RB26 and second-generation of...
除非你是追求极限的赛手,哈哈 价钱的话,我也说不清,不过这种国内保有量极低的车型价格都会高的离奇,原本经济危机之前,通用已经决定将野马和道奇蝰蛇系列引进中国,但是最后还是没有完成 这里有个网站,我比较喜欢的汽车图片网,你去看看吧 http://www.tuningnews.net/wallpaper_category/ford/ ...
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