Warranty Information Common Topics I can't unlock my Samsung Galaxy device How do I transfer my data from my old Android phone to my new one? I smashed my screen and can't use the touchscreen. Is there any way to access my data?
手機與裝置的常見問題三星支援服務讓您深入了解如何在平板電腦上使用延伸螢幕。 藍牙以Android裝置連接藍牙 connect through bluetooth on your android device 怎樣使用如何利用 Smart Switch,將數據從 iPhone 或 iPad 傳輸至新的 Galaxy 裝置 流動裝置常見問題。深入了解如何利用 Smart Switch,將數據從 iPhone 或 iPad ...
三星GT-P7500用户手册说明书.pdf,GT-P7500 使用说明书 使用本说明书 恭喜您购买三星P7500 。这是一款功能强大 的、 “如影随行”的设备,适合您的积极生活态 度,以轻型、高度通用的平台,让您随时进行 畅快的网络和移动办公。P7500 构建在Google Android 操作系统的基础之
Samsung will update the most of their tablets to Android 4.0 We from SamMobile tweeted before that the most updates will come the next month. If you have the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and you live in Italy you will be able to update your tablet. You can use Samsung KIES or OTA for this update...
die einzige weise etwas aktuellere Software darauf zu packen ist, dass du es manuell auf nur noch Android 7 oder 8 mit bestimmter Software und Wissen kannst du das Riskieren aber wenn man nicht so ne Ahnung hat sollte man das eher lassen und es dabei lassen... Leider kann man nur ...
There's no changelog in the traditional sense but the latest merged changes can be seen here: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#q,status:merged branch:ics,n,z (ignore all android_kernel_* and android_device_* projects) & https://github.com/pershoot/ Don't flash the kernel from Pershoots...
android\hardware\broadcom\libbt\conf\softwinner\ap6212\bt_vendor.conf # UART device port where Bluetooth controller is attached UartPort = /dev/ttyS1 # Firmware patch file location FwPatchFilePath = /system/vendor/modules/ # Firmware Name FwPatchFileName = bcm43438a0.hcd 10、新增:vnd_astar-...