Thoren PA, Paxton RJ, Estoup A (1995) Unusually high frequency of (CT)n and (GT)n microsatellite loci in a yellowjacket wasp, Vespula rufa (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Insect Molecular Bio- logy, 4, 141-148.Thoren PA, Paxton RJ, Estoup A (1995) Unusually high frequency of (CT...
摘要: Back in 1969, Dodgeuilthallengeroncept withhe Yellow Jacket namehatouredhehowircuit. It waswo-seater witharga-styleemovableoof.lthoughhose elements neveraterialized in productionorm, it didarryanytylingoucheshatadeheir wayohe productionhallenger.年份: 2012 ...